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190068 Saint Petersburg
123 Griboedov channel, Room 123

Phone:+7 (812)786-92-49 

Postal address: 
190068 Saint Petersburg
123 Griboedov channel

Department Head Adrian A. Selin
Academic Supervisor Evgeniy Anisimov
Remembering the Neoliberal Turn: Economic Change and Collective Memory in Eastern Europe after 1989

Gökarıksel S., Gontarska O., Hilmar T. et al.

L.: Routledge, 2023.

The Russian Civil War after 100 Years: Within and Beyond the Historiographical Front Lines

Alexander V. Reznik.

Kritika: Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History. 2024. Vol. 25. No. 3. P. 644-658.

Book chapter
Individualism and Psychology in the Auto/Biography of Lev Trotsky, 1900–20s

Alexander V. Reznik.

In bk.: Revolutionary Biographies in the 19th and 20th Centuries: Imperial – Inter/national – Decolonial. Göttingen: V&R Unipress, 2024. P. 17-34.

Working paper
The Image of the Past in Ciro Spontone’s ‘Historia Della Transilvania’

Khvalkov E., Levin F., Кузнецова А. Д.

Working Papers of Humanities. WP. Издательский дом НИУ ВШЭ, 2021


190068 Saint Petersburg
123 Griboedov channel, Room 123

Phone:+7 (812)786-92-49 

Postal address: 
190068 Saint Petersburg
123 Griboedov channel

Department Head Adrian A. Selin
Academic Supervisor Evgeniy Anisimov

Research Seminar of the Center for Historical Research and the Department of History

The Department of History and the Center for Historical Research host the regular research seminar (2012-2021 under the title “Boundaries of History” chaired by prof. Alexander Semyonov). The permanent discussion threads of the seminar include: 

1) opportunities and potentialities of historical research across and beyond the boundaries of national history, the promise and analytical value of global history approaches for different fields and periods of history;
2) historical research on empire, colonialism, and nationalism in comparative and global history perspectives
3) the porous boundaries between the discipline of history and adjacent fields of social sciences and potentialities of the cross-disciplinary research agenda setting; 
4) the imagined boundary between the past and the present and the relevance of historical knowledge for contemporary and future-oriented public and expert debate in modern societies;  
5) the boundary between professional history and lay and public history. This seminar series comprises sessions with pre-circulated research papers both in English and Russian as well as public lectures and debates.

"Boundaries of History" in the HSELook (Interview with Alexander Semyonov)

Subseries of the research seminar "Boundaries of History" "Contested Global History"

Seminar archive

April 30, 2024. Arturo Zoffmann Rodriguez. Book presentation "The Spanish Anarchists and the Russian Revolution, 1917–24: Anguish and Enthusiasm"
Febryary 16, 2024.
Paula Montero. "Syncretism and pluralism in the configuration of religious diversity in Brazil"
December 22, 2023.
Alexander Titov. "From empire to nation. Processes of the nationalization of imperial territories in Northeast Asia in the late 19th to early 20th century"
February 28, 2023.
Anastasiia Palamarchuk. "From Orders of Precedence to Social Categories: Antiquarian Narratives of Early Modern Period"
December 09, 2022.
Mikhail Agapov. "Admirals and Merchants: Socio-Political Contexts of Timber Export in the Pechora Territory in the 1840s-1860s"
December 02, 2022. 
Pietro Shakarian. "Toward a More Perfect Union? Anastas Mikoyan and Nationality Policy Reform in the USSR, 1954–1964"
December 16, 2021.
Ilya Gerasimov. "Plebeian Modernity through the eyes of elite observers: between Populism and Orientalism"
December 09, 2021.
Timothy Blauvelt. Book presentation "Clientelism and Nationality in an Early Soviet Fiefdom: The Trials of Nestor Lakoba"
November 25, 2021.
Yoshiro Ikeda. "Why Jellinek? Why Germany? Russian liberals' quest for a constitutional monarchy in the early 20th century"
November 11, 2021. Ab Imperio Award 2019.
Pavel Shabley. Presentation of the book by Pavel Shabley and Paolo Sartori"Experiments of the Empire: Adat, Sharia and the Production of Knowledge in the Kazakh Steppe"
October 28, 2021. Ab Imperio Award 2020.
Ivan Sablin, Jargal Badagarov and Irina Sodnomova. "Khural Democracy: Imperial Transformations and the Making of the First Mongolian Constitution, 1911-1924"
October 21, 2021.
Stella Ghervas. Book presentation "Conquering Piece: From the Enlightenment to the European Union"
September 30, 2021. Ab Imperio Award 2020.
Stephen Riegg. Book presentation "Russia's Entangled Embrace: The Tsarist Empire and the Armenians, 1801-1914"
March 4, 2021.
Stefan Kirmse. Book presentation "The Lawful Empire: Legal Change and Cultural Diversity"
February 25, 2021. Ab Imperio Award 2019. 
Dmitry Arzyutov, David Anderson "A Trans-Eurasioan History of the Search the archive of Sergei and Elizabeth Shirokogoroff"
December 17, 2020.
Alexander Morrison Book presentation "The Russian Conquest of Central Asia: A Study in Imperial Expansion, 1814-1914"
March 2, 2020.
Oleg Kharkhordin "The concept of 'republic'"
September 26, 2019.
Igal Halfin "
Bolshevik Love"
September 19, 2019. Ab Imperio Award 2018.
Evgeny Akelyev "The criminal prosecution system in Moscow in the 18th century"
September 5, 2019. 
Laurie Manchester "The Shifting Identities of Russian Repatriates from China Before and After the Collapse of the Soviet Union"
June 13, 2019. 
Sabine Dullin "Soviet Borders as thickening zones. The political imagination and practices of an old but new state (1917-1940)"
May 30, 2019. 
Susanne Schattenberg "Leonid Brezhnev: The greatness and tragedy of man and the country"
April 18, 2019.
Wiktor Marzec Book Presentation "From Cotton and Smoke: Łódź – Industrial City and Discourses of Asynchronous Modernity, 1897–1994"
December 13, 2018. 
Franziska Exeler "Wartime Ghosts. Nazi Occupation and Its Aftermath in the Soviet Union" at the "Boundaries of History"
November 15, 2018.
Vladislav Rjeoutski, Olga Khavanova "Language Choice in Enlightenment Europe"
October 4, 2018. Ab Imperio Award 2017. 
Krishan Kumar "Empires in World History"
September 13, 2018. Ab Imperio Award 2017. 
Choi Chatterjee "Leo Tolstoy and Rabindranath Tagore: Principles of Global Thinking"
June 14, 2018.
Louise McReynolds "Excavating Empire: Russian Archeologists and the ‘Imperial Imaginary’, 1804-1918"
June 7, 2018.
Alan Barenberg "’The Life [and Works] of Engineer Kipreev’: Demidov, Shalamov, and the Fate of Camp Literature and Networks after Stalin"
May 17, 2018.
Nathan Marcus "Austrian Reconstruction and the Collapse of Global Finance, 1921–1931"
May 10, 2018.
Dominic Lieven "Profile of a Job: Emperorship across the Millennia"
April 5, 2018.
Rama Mantena "Founding Archives: Conquest and History in Colonial India"
March 29, 2018.
Nikolai Ssorin-Chaikov "Two Lenins: A Brief Anthropology of Time"
March 19, 2018.
Jane Burbank "Eurasian Sovereignty: the Case of Kazan"
March 1, 2018.
Evgeny Khvalkov "The Colonies of Genoa in the Black Sea Region: Evolution and Transformation"
February 15, 2018.
Margarita Dadykina, Alexei Kraikovski, Julia Lajus "Pomor activities on Spitsbergen. Study and Documents"
February 8, 2018.
Kati Parppei “The Battle of Kulikovo Refought – 'The First National Feat'”
December 14, 2017.
Alexander Reznik "Trotsky and Comrades: Left Opposition and Political Culture in the RCP(b), 1923-1924"
December 7, 2017.
Michаel Freikman "In Their Image and Likeness: Genesis of the Urban Pantheons in the Middle East"
November 30, 2017.
Evgeny Anisimov "Peter I: Russia's Blessing or Curse?"
November 23, 2017.
Tatiana Tairova-Yakovleva "Incorporation: Russia and Ukraine after the Pereyaslav Council, 1654-1658"
November 2, 2017.
Martin Aust "Jurists from the late Russian Empire: Self-Descriptions and Contributions to the Advancement of International Law"
October 11, 2017.
Dominic Lieven "Reflections on empire, Russia, and historical comparison"
October 5, 2017.
Andrey Golovnev "The Anthropology of Movement and the Phenomenon of Colonization"
September 28, 2017.
 Frank Grüner "Entangled Histories: The Russian Revolutions of 1905 and 1917 in Harbin and the CER Zone"
September 27, 2017.
Justice Albie Sachs "Forging a Constitution for the New South Africa: from Racism to Equal Rights for All"
September 21, 2017.
Alberto Masoero "Which Orient? Potanin, Iuzhakov, Ukhtomskii and their (very) different political understanding of Eurasian hybridity"
September 18, 2017.
Oksana Sarkisova "Soviet film collection: nationalities on the screen"
June 9-10, 2017.
Joint workshop of "Ab Imperio" Journal and the Center for Historical Research with support from the Fund for Support for Liberal Arts "Imperial revolution of 1917: Post-Imperial Imaginaries and Revolutionary Politics in the Context of Diversity"
June 7, 2017.
Joint workshop Center for Historical Research and Global History Group (University of Copenhagen) with the support of the Danish Cultural Institute in Russia "Contested Global History"
June 1, 2017. 
Irina Shevelenko "Modernism as Archaism: Nationalism and Search for Modernist Aesthetics in Russia"
May 22, 2017.
Darius Staliunas "Enemies for a Day: Antisemitism and Anti-Jewish Violence in Lithuania under the Tsars"
April 20, 2017.
Alison Smith "A Microhistory of the Global Empire of Cotton: Ivanovo in the 19th Century"
April 13, 2017. Lev Klein "The Travails of Science: the Scientist and Power, the Scientist and Money, the Scientist and Morals" (report in russian language) 
April 6, 2017.
Kiri Paramore "Confucian Fascism - A Global History"
April 4, 2017.
A joint workshop with the Norwegian University Center in St. Petersburg "Teaching Global and Transnational History"
March 23, 2017.
Round table with Barbara Zelizer, Arvind Rajagopal, Nikolai Ssorin-Chaikov "Global History and Anthropology of Media"
February 16, 2017.
Tatiana Borisova “Taming of Law in the Autocratic Empire”
November 10, 2016.
Sebastian Conrad "Global Transformations of Time in the Nineteenth Century"
October 27, 2016. Adrian Selin "Russian-Swedish Border" (report in russian language)
September 29, 2016.
David Darrow "Ordering Economy: Managing Land Allotments for Fiscal and Moral Improvement"
June 16, 2016. 
Mikhail Dolbilov "Political loyalty in the Russian Empire – allegiance or loyalty? A case of  ‘people’s’ panegyrics to a monarch (1861-1884)"
June 9, 2016. Andreas Renner  "A new border within the Russian Empire? Peter the Great and (the invention) of Russian Asia"
June 2, 2016.
Valerie Kivelson "Early Mapping: The Tsardom in Manuscript"
May 25-26, 2016. David Armitage "Horizons of History: Time, Space and the Future of the Past," “Civil War: A History in Ideas”
May 12, 2016. Dominic Lieven “Empire in World War I: Causes and Consequences”

February 11, 2016. 
Monika Baar. "Rethinking Disability: Historical Perspectives on Vulnerable Citizens at Times of Crisis".
December 14, 2015. Raye Farr. "Creating Public History for Millions: World War II and the Holocaust"
December 10, 2015.
David Darrow "Categories of Agrarian Reform: The Varied Meaning of the Labor Norm in the Operations of The Peasant Land Bank"
November 5, 2015.
 Johannes Remy. "Question of Ukrainian autonomy under all-Russian Provisional Government in 1917"

October 22, 2015.  Nathan Marcus "National Minorities and the League of Nations: The case of South Tyrol"
Осtober 8, 2015. Roundtable "Religious communities and the Soviet authorities: patterns of interaction". Presentations by Prof. I.Sablin and Prof. J.Kormina followed by discussion with Prof. N.Ssorin-Chaikov.

June 17, 2015. 
Jan Gross. Neighbors: The Destruction of the Jewish Community in Jedwabne, Poland.
April 2, 2015.
 Vladimir Lapin. "Russification of the Russians and non-Russians in the Russian army and fleet. XVIII - beginning of XX centuries" (report in russian language) 
March 26, 2015.  David Moon. The American Steppe: Influences from Russia on the Great Plains. 
February 19, 2015.  Sergey Fyodorov. The Birth of the Leviathan: The Imperial and Monarchial Discourses at the End of the Middle Ages. 
January  29, 2015. 
Sergey Abashin. History and Social Anthropology: The Ways of Convergence.
December 18, 2014.
Ronald Suny. They Can Live in the Desert but Nowhere Else.
November 13, 2014. Sergey Glebov. “They need to know that they are now in our realm...”: Subjecthood in the Russian Far East, 1860-1900
October 23, 2014. Pasi Ihalainen. The reception and constitutional consequences of the Russian Revolutions of 1917 in British, German, Swedish and Finnish parliaments. 
October 16, 2014. Willard Sunderland. A Small Way In: Microhistory and the Search for the Russian Empire.
October 7, 2014. Allan Little, Charlie Taylor. Representations of the Past and Current History in Media. 
September 25, 2014. Pascale Siegrist. Reclus and Russia: Anarchism, World History and Geographic Determinism. 
September 4, 2014. Anthony Heywood. Mobilisation", "Chaos" and "Crisis": Terminological Reflections on the Russian Empire's Great War, 1914-1917
May 19, 2014. Rogers Brubaker. Linguistic and Religious Pluralism: Between Difference and Inequality
May 15, 2014. Anna Åberg. A gap in the Grid: Attempts to establish a Nordic gas grid 1967-1991. 
April 10, 2014. Victor Taki. Russia and the Muslims of Bulgaria During the Russian-Ottoman Wars of the Nineteenth Century (report in russian language)
March 13, 2014. Ronald G. Suny. Legacies of Empire in Russian History Video
March 6, 2014. Jeremy Smith. Red Nations:The Nationalities Experience in andafter the USSR. 
February 27, 2014. Artem Zhukov. News of the 1547 Moscow Fires in the narratives of the 1550-1560s. 
February 20, 2014. Dietmar Wulff. Comparative constitutional history of Europe in the 19th century.
December 12, 2013. Marina Loskutova. Theforest question” in the Russian Empire in the first half of the 19th century: nature, science and politics. 
November 28, 2013. Anton Kotenko. Anarchism, Geographic Determinism, and Federalism of Mikhail Dragomanov
October 17, 2013. Jonathan Platt. Longing for a feat: keepers of memory of Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya in contemporary Russia (report in russian language)
October 3, 2013. Eugene Koloskov. The country without a name: Macedonia and the Macedonians in the quest for identity.
September 19, 2013.  Andrei Kushko. From an Ottoman frontier to the Russian province: Bessarabia in the Russian Empire (1812-1917) (report in russian language)
May 23, 2013. Alexander Marey. "Potestas & auctoritas: the Doctrine of Power in the Political thought of European Scholastics, 11th–13th century." 
April 25, 2013. Elena Kochetkova. The Soviet Timber Industry in 1953 - 1964 years: Modernization and Technology Transfer (report in russian language)
March 21, 2013. Ivan Sablin. Historical Geoinformatics and its Application to the Historical Research of Russia’s Eastern Borderlands (report in russian language)
March 14, 2013. Alexey Vdovin. Literary Expedition’ of the Ministry of Navy: Writers, Power and Discourse of Orientalism in the Russian Empires of the 1850-s. (report in russian language)  
February 28, 2013. Roundtable of the Department of History in partnership with the Publishing House “Novoye Literaturnoye Obozreniye” "For Professional and Public Consumption: Humanities and Historical Knowledge in Contemporary Russia." (report in russian language) Video of the roundtable 
February 25, 2013. Ekaterina Boltunova. The Imperial Palace in Russia of the XVIII Century and the Organization of the Political Space in Imperial Capital (report in russian language)
February 21, 2013. Aleksander Khryakov. Brown Roots’ of Social History in Germany: The Volksgeschichte and German Nationalism (report in russian language)
December 13, 2012. Anna Kotomina. "Imagining What Might Be". Visual History of Inventions and New Perspectives in the Study of the History of Technology (report in russian language)
December 6, 2012. Kimberly Powers. Mullahs by Appointment, Legitimate Marriages, and Birth Record Books in the Russian Empire (report in russian language)
November 15, 2012. Pavel Krylov. Theological Revenge in Historical Scholarship. Latin American Liberation Theology and Re-writing of History (report in russian language)
November 1, 2012. Ilya Vinkovetsky. "Our Americans": the Processes of Russification of Natives in the Russian America of the Nineteenth Century (report in russian language)
October 2, 2012. Andrei Zorin. About the Possibility of a Historical Reconstruction of Individual Experience: Studies of the Russian Aristocratic Culture Abroad XVIII-XIX Centuries (report in russian language) Video
September 27, 2012. Daria Bocharnikova. Developing the Concept of “New Element of Settlement” or Exercises in Communism and Modernism by Dissidents from Architecture (1960-1970) (report in russian language)
September 11, 2012. Evgenii Anisimov. Emotions at The Great Patriotic War of 1812 Video
May 15, 2012. Stephen Howe. Aftershocks of Empire: Debating Decolonisation in Britain today (report in russian language)