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Illustration for news: ‘Get a Ticket’: Daria Lebakova on Her Exchange Studies in South Korea

‘Get a Ticket’: Daria Lebakova on Her Exchange Studies in South Korea

Daria Lebakova is a fourth-year student of the Bachelor's programme 'Asian and African Studies'. She spent her whole autumn semester in Seoul—studying at Chung Ang University under the academic mobility programme. Read on to find out what Daria thinks about studying Japanese in Korean, habits, and regular festivals.

Illustration for news: Human Bodies Impede 6G Signal Transmission

Human Bodies Impede 6G Signal Transmission

However, an innovative algorithm developed by MIEM HSE can help overcome this challenge

Illustration for news: Why Study Data Analytics?

Why Study Data Analytics?

In an era where data drives decisions, Data Analytics is becoming increasingly important. It allows organisations to make informed decisions by turning complex data into applicable insights. Recognising the importance of this field, Owen John Havercroft Reyes, a recent graduate of International Business at the University of Sheffield, enrolled as a first-year master’s student and became an international ambassador at HSE University-St Petersburg. In this article, Owen shares his experience of enhancing his technical expertise in the programme ‘Data Analytics for Business and Economics’.

Illustration for news: House of Cinema Opens Exhibition of Works by Students of HSE University-St Petersburg Art and Design School

House of Cinema Opens Exhibition of Works by Students of HSE University-St Petersburg Art and Design School

For a whole month, visitors will be able to see works by students of the HSE University-St Petersburg Art and Design School at the House of Cinema. The exhibition '213х203.ZIP' opened on January 17 in the White Hall of the cinema centre. The event also featured a showing of trailers and film studio idents.

Illustration for news: HSE University Graduates to Be Able to Receive Diplomas in NFT Format

HSE University Graduates to Be Able to Receive Diplomas in NFT Format

HSE University and the social network VK are launching a pilot project to issue NFT diplomas. The diplomas will take the form of digital images with programmed metadata about the graduate, their educational programme, and year of graduation. Graduates of 38 continuing professional education programmes at the Faculty of Law from 2019–2023 will be the first to receive such diplomas. Based on the results of the pilot project, the possibility of implementing the innovation in other faculties and educational programmes will be considered.

Illustration for news: Neural Networks of Power: AI Unravels Knots and Tangles in Relationships between Humans, Elves and Hobbits

Neural Networks of Power: AI Unravels Knots and Tangles in Relationships between Humans, Elves and Hobbits

One of the most popular writers of the last century, John Ronald Reuel Tolkien, was born on January 3rd. Researchers from HSE University, AIRI and MISSIS have used machine learning to explore the social connections between the characters of his Middle-earth universe. The algorithm managed to create an accurate picture of the social structures and dynamics of the characters' relationships, providing a unique map of interactions in the epic world. The results of the work were published in IEEE Xplore.

Illustration for news: Bachelor's Programme in Political Science Opens New Regional Track

Bachelor's Programme in Political Science Opens New Regional Track

Starting from the next academic year, the Bachelor's programme 'Political Science and World Politics' will open a fourth regional track, this time covering the countries of Latin America. Students who choose this track will be able to immerse themselves in the political processes of the region and study a choice of Spanish or Portuguese.

Illustration for news: ‘Creating a Project Collider’: Dean of School of Social Sciences and Area Studies on Plans to Develop the Faculty

‘Creating a Project Collider’: Dean of School of Social Sciences and Area Studies on Plans to Develop the Faculty

In 2023, Alexander Sorokin became the new dean of the School of Social Sciences and Area Studies. Among his research interests are socio-environmental research and social research into higher education, and science. In this interview, Prof. Sorokin talks about new educational programmes, partner research, and mobility directions.

Illustration for news: My Year at HSE University-St Petersburg

My Year at HSE University-St Petersburg

HSE University-St Petersburg has been not just a school to many international students, but also a home. It is a place where they gain new knowledge and skills, as well as new friends and experiences. While life at HSE University is different for everyone, it is always exciting and fulfilling. As 2023 comes to an end, we decided to ask some international students what this year at HSE University-St Petersburg was like for them.

Illustration for news: How HSE University-St Petersburg Spent 2023

How HSE University-St Petersburg Spent 2023

The year is gradually wrapping up, which means it's high time to take stock and thank each other for our joint work. Learn about the brightest and most important events which happened at HSE University-St Petersburg this year from professors, academic supervisors and deans of the campus faculties. Happy New Year! May your year be filled with inspiration and energy for new achievements!