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'Today Was a Very Happy and Nostalgic Day': How the Main Celebration of HSE University-St Petersburg Graduates Went

On June 30, HSE University-St Petersburg gathered almost 5000 guests at KSK 'Arena' for the main event of this summer—graduation 2024. Bachelor's and master's students were congratulated by their friends and family, professors and faculty deans as well as HSE University-St Petersburg trustees. The diplomas of HSE University-St Petersburg were awarded to more than 1400 people, and 280 of them received the diplomas with honours. Find out what we will remember this festive day for in the article.

'Today Was a Very Happy and Nostalgic Day': How the Main Celebration of HSE University-St Petersburg Graduates Went

HSE University—Saint Petersburg

The ceremony started with a speech by Anna Tyshetskaya, Director of HSE University-St Petersburg. The congratulations were joined by trustees and representatives of partner companies—Ilya Eremenko, Director General of 'Setl Group', and Pavel Yakovlev, Deputy Director General for Early Development and Research at BIOCAD.

Anna Tyshetskaya, the Director of HSE Unviersity-St Petersburg

Anna Tyshetskaya, the Director of HSE Unviersity-St Petersburg

Receiving an HSE diploma is, beyond all doubt, an outstanding achievement. HSE University brings up leaders, researchers, professionals and innovators—that is all of you. The world is rapidly changing, and I am sure that you are ready for its challenges. Don't be afraid of taking risks, don't give up your goals and remember: we are very proud of you and always ready to support you.

The deans of seven schools of HSE University-St Petersburg wished a lot of inspiration to the graduates and highlighted that they would be happy to have some joint projects. The festive atmosphere for the guests was created by the hosts—Evgeny Akulov and Elizaveta Chechulina, 2024 graduates, Maria Semenova, PR specialist of the School of Art and Design, and Yury Kabanov, who has been awarded the title of the best HSE professor seven times.

Yury Kabanov, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Political Science and International Affairs

Yury Kabanov

I started teaching this class of graduates already during the pandemic. We did not meet in person straight away but when it happened, I was delighted. These are amazing students, they have a lot of interesting ideas, and it was fun to teach them! Now, when active academic days are over, I wish the students to remember their achievements and praise themselves. Some managed to try themselves in the media sphere, others—in research work, and others—in social projects and internships with 'Geropharm' and other organisations. All these things are admirable. I wish all the graduates to be successful in the path they choose for themselves.

This year, more than 1400 people became graduates of HSE University-St Petersburg. All of them received memorable graduation gowns and hats. Honours diplomas were awarded to 280 graduates—160 bachelor's and 120 master's. Among the graduates with honours diplomas is Kirill Matirko from the Bachelor's programme 'Physics'—it's the first graduating class of this programme. The honours diploma was also awarded to Sabina Starikova, earlier, she was named one of the best graduates in St Petersburg. 

Lots of graduates did not want to leave HSE University-St Petersburg. They plan to continue their research career in one of the master's programmes.

Sabina Starikova, graduate of the Bachelor's programme 'Asian and African Studies'

Sabina Starikova, graduate of the Bachelor's programme 'Asian and African Studies'

I still cannot believe that this is our graduation. Five years passed very quickly: I was actively studying, and engaging in research and extracurricular activities. Today, I want to have lots of fun and rest, enjoy the time with my coursemates and take memorable photos with my best friend. My story at HSE University does not end here: I plan to apply for the master's programme 'Cross-Cultural Studies of Asia and Africa in the Context of International Relations'. I will study China and Vietnam and fully side with the work!

Dmitry Bobrikov, graduate of the Bachelor's programme 'Sociology and Social Informatics'

Dmitry Bobrikov, graduate of the Bachelor's programme 'Sociology and Social Informatics'

My path was hard from time to time but these four years at HSE University were still wonderful. I will miss these times a lot. Today, I am really inspired—not only because of the graduation itself but also because I received an honours diploma. For me, it is a great achievement, and I am simply happy to be here. After graduation, I'd like to have some rest—this is just to begin with. But generally, I am used to keeping myself up so I plan to apply for a master's programme. Perhaps, I will choose 'Modern Social Analysis' or UX Analytics because I have always been into quantitative methods.

Daria Palagina, graduate of the Bachelor's programme 'History'

Daria Palagina, graduate of the Bachelor's programme 'History'

These five years were very vivid. At first, it wasn't easy but then, I got used to it, fell in love with the atmosphere, and it became much easier. Today, I don't have a feeling that everything has come to an end. All my thoughts are about the future. I want to continue my studies, I will apply for 'Global and Regional History'. By the fourth or fifth year, I had defined my research interest and realised that in History, there are still a lot of interesting plots which I would like to dig out further.

Today was a very happy and nostalgic day. Sometimes, it brought me to tears: I looked back at my little self and saw what I had achieved, and what challenges I had coped with... This is awesome! I might have not even realised yet that I was holding my diploma but I think that it will happen shortly.

For some graduates, this festival was not only the final chord in their studies but also the beginning of new creative projects. Marta Martynova was a student of the track 'Art Direction of Cultural Institutions' in the master's programme 'Design', received an honours diploma and created a project of a cafe which will shortly open in St Petersburg.

Marta Martynova, graduate of the Master's programme 'Design'

Marta Martynova, graduate of the Master's programme 'Design'

Once I studied graphic design but during my master's degree, I decided to go even further and become an art director. Now, I feel confident in the design sphere: I gained a lot of new competencies and friends. I am very grateful to our mentor, Mitya Kharshak, for the rich programme, help and constant communication with the heads of cultural institutions. I will continue working on my thesis project—a cafe featuring exhibitions of modern art. For now, I have very simple plans—throw up my graduation hat and take a lot of memorable photos. The more so because of my honours diploma!

The festival on the stage of KSK 'Arena' started with a driving dance by 'HSE Dance' to a cover of the song 'We Are Young'. Especially for the graduates, it was performed by the members of the band 'HSE Music'. The graduation ceremony finished with a memorable video shoot: more than 1400 graduation hats flew up in the air at the same time. Then, the evening continued with musical hits performed by the cover band 'Nemodniye' with which the festival guests sang along.

During the whole evening, the graduates took pictures with their friends on a video spinner, in the neon tunnel and a photo booth with a neural network. New photos will later turn into avatars on social networks. Some people got a temporary tattoo to remember the graduation, others left pleasant wishes to their coursemates in the graduation albums.

Olivera Lyuich, graduate of the Bachelor's programme 'Economics'

Olivera Lyuich, graduate of the Bachelor's programme 'Economics'

We took pictures on a video spinner with my parents, coursemates and friends. Then we cried and laughed... But I still don't feel that it is the end, that today, we reached the finish line.

The Career Centre also prepared a photo zone for the alumni. The guests took pictures against vinyl records and sent wishes to their future selves. They will receive these reassuring words to themselves in a year via email or social networks. Besides, everyone who received their diplomas this year was offered to join the Alumni Community to keep in touch with the home university.

Photos from the graduation ceremony will be published on the official group of the festival. Follow the updates, and we will tell you about everything.