HSE University – St Petersburg Launches Virtual Tour Experience
When choosing a study destination, trying to learn more about the university or just reminiscing on your student years, there is nothing better than visiting a campus in person. Still, sometimes it is just not possible. The good news is that we have created something very special to help you see the campus with your own eyes and feel the vibes of our university

HSE Amends Spring Holiday Schedule: Classes Will Be Held as Usual from May 6 to 8
The HSE University Administration has signed an amendment to the academic calendar for the 2019/2020 academic year.

QTEM Students on Distance Learning Abroad and Koala Hugs
HSE University - Saint Petersburg has been participating in the QTEM international Master's network since 2017. Students study abroad and complete internships at foreign companies to learn how to use quantitative methods in management and economics. The Editorial Office spoke with three QTEM students about their experience switching to online learning while studying in other countries.

HSE University to Resume Classes
Distance learning at the university will resume on April 6
HSE St Petersburg Will Be Closed from March 28 to April 5
All HSE students and graduate students will have the week from March 28 to April 5, 2020, off. HSE Rector Yaroslav Kuzminov has signed the relevant order.
‘Internationalization for International Students' : What Changes Have Taken Place since the Conference
In light of the latest events, we all want to receive good news sometimes. Therefore, we decided to share with you how the conference 'Internationalization for International Students', which was held on December 13, 2019, has already positively impacted students’ lives.
The conference gathered both international students and representatives of the university administration and became a platform for discussion and exchange of views. It allowed the university staff to speak about the activities of their units and explain how they might be useful to international students. Students, in turn, shared their vision of what improvements could be implemented with their involvement.

In-person Classes to Be Suspended Starting from March 17,2020
With the goal of minimizing the public health risk to our campus community related to the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak, all in-person classes will be suspended at HSE University – St Petersburg starting March 17, 2020 until further notice.

HSE Introduces Protective Measures on Account of Coronavirus
On March 7, Yaroslav Kuzminov, the HSE rector, signed an order introducing some restrictions and measures to prevent the spread of coronavirus infection.
How I Spent the Winter: American Students Talk about Their Winter School Experience
In January, Saint Petersburg HSE Winter School hosted a group of students from Smith College, the United States. Besides courses on Russian culture and history, they had an intense programme: weekends in Moscow, going to a theatre and numerous museums, watching a hockey game, and much more. We asked some Winter School participants about their experience in Saint Petersburg and how it affected them.

Recommendations to Students, Faculty and Staff Regarding Coronavirus
What is Coronavirus? Coronaviruses are in fact a familiar family of viruses that cause respiratory tract infections, including the common cold and more serious infections. This new coronavirus called COVID-19 originated in Wuhan, China and was not previously found in humans.