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Tag "ideas & experience"

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Illustration for news: Understanding the Educational System at HSE University

Understanding the Educational System at HSE University

If you're planning on studying at HSE University-St Petersburg, it is important to get acquainted with the educational system here. Many students, whether they study in Russia or other countries, find that things can differ from what they were used to in their homelands. In this article, Owen John Havercroft Reyes, a first-year master’s student who came from Mexico, reflects on the educational system at HSE University and gives some tips on how to adjust to it in order to make the best of your time here.

Illustration for news: HSE University-St Petersburg Students Participate in International Winter School in India

HSE University-St Petersburg Students Participate in International Winter School in India

In January, UPES University (India) held the International Student Winter School 'Business and Governance in India'. HSE University-St Petersburg was represented by students of the bachelor's programmes 'Political Science and World Politics' and 'International Bachelor's in Business and Economics', as well as the Master's programme 'International Business in the Asia-Pacific Region'. Read on to find out what the students learned from the Winter School what lasting impressions they have.

Illustration for news: ‘Get a Ticket’: Daria Lebakova on Her Exchange Studies in South Korea

‘Get a Ticket’: Daria Lebakova on Her Exchange Studies in South Korea

Daria Lebakova is a fourth-year student of the Bachelor's programme 'Asian and African Studies'. She spent her whole autumn semester in Seoul—studying at Chung Ang University under the academic mobility programme. Read on to find out what Daria thinks about studying Japanese in Korean, habits, and regular festivals.

Illustration for news: Why Study Data Analytics?

Why Study Data Analytics?

In an era where data drives decisions, Data Analytics is becoming increasingly important. It allows organisations to make informed decisions by turning complex data into applicable insights. Recognising the importance of this field, Owen John Havercroft Reyes, a recent graduate of International Business at the University of Sheffield, enrolled as a first-year master’s student and became an international ambassador at HSE University-St Petersburg. In this article, Owen shares his experience of enhancing his technical expertise in the programme ‘Data Analytics for Business and Economics’.

Illustration for news: How HSE University-St Petersburg Spent 2023

How HSE University-St Petersburg Spent 2023

The year is gradually wrapping up, which means it's high time to take stock and thank each other for our joint work. Learn about the brightest and most important events which happened at HSE University-St Petersburg this year from professors, academic supervisors and deans of the campus faculties. Happy New Year! May your year be filled with inspiration and energy for new achievements!

Illustration for news: My Year at HSE University-St Petersburg

My Year at HSE University-St Petersburg

HSE University-St Petersburg has been not just a school to many international students, but also a home. It is a place where they gain new knowledge and skills, as well as new friends and experiences. While life at HSE University is different for everyone, it is always exciting and fulfilling. As 2023 comes to an end, we decided to ask some international students what this year at HSE University-St Petersburg was like for them.

Illustration for news: HSE University-St Petersburg International Activity Results for 2023

HSE University-St Petersburg International Activity Results for 2023

As an international hub, HSE University-St Petersburg is committed to actively engaging with the global academic community. Internationalisation remains a top priority and core value at our campus. To this end, HSE University-St Petersburg strives to develop existing international partnerships and establish new ones in various parts of the world. This focus allows the university to provide students with an international environment and educational programmes that meet global standards. Such active work in the sphere of international relations opens up numerous opportunities for HSE students, from academic mobility and double-degree programmes to daily communication with professors and other students from all over the world. The HSE University-St Petersburg International Office reports on the results of international activity in 2023.

Illustration for news: 'Get a Ticket': Mariana Rait on Her Exchange Studies in Turkey

'Get a Ticket': Mariana Rait on Her Exchange Studies in Turkey

'Get a Ticket' is a new feature on our website where the campus students will share their impressions of the exchange studies and interesting stories from the trip. Our first hero is Mariana Rait, a 4th-year student of the Bachelor's programme 'International Business and Management'. The students spent this autumn in Istanbul where she went for the exchange studies at Bogazici University. Mariana is in awe of everything: the campus over the Bosphorus Strait, magnificent architecture and home gatherings with her groupmates. Find out how her trip is going in the interview.

Illustration for news: ‘Thanks to HSE University, I Trained Myself to Be Diligent and Grasp the Necessary Information Quickly’

‘Thanks to HSE University, I Trained Myself to Be Diligent and Grasp the Necessary Information Quickly’

Evgenia Grets is a 2020 graduate of the Bachelor's programme 'Political Science and World Politics'. Having received a strong foundation of knowledge and skills for working with information at HSE University-St Petersburg, Evgenia found her vocation in marketing. She is currently working as a product marketing manager at the company 'Dostaevskiy'. Read on to find out more about studies on the programme and her career path.

Illustration for news: Andrey Punin and Veronica Gareeva Create Design Concept for Exhibition at National Museum of Serbia

Andrey Punin and Veronica Gareeva Create Design Concept for Exhibition at National Museum of Serbia

Andrey Punin, the main curator of the track 'Environment and Interior', and graduate Veronica Gareeva developed a design concept for an exposition titled 'Porcelain of the Tsars', which opened in the National Museum in Belgrade as part of the Hermitage Days event in Serbia.