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Tag "professors"

Illustration for news: Equality in Business: How Support from Loved Ones Can Reduce the Gender Gap

Equality in Business: How Support from Loved Ones Can Reduce the Gender Gap

Galina Shirokova, Professor at the Department of Management at HSE University-St Petersburg, has worked alongside international researchers to identify the role of social circles and cultural values in the success of young businesswomen. They found that support within a group increases the chances of women engaging in entrepreneurship.

Illustration for news: 'Art Around Us': What 'Arts and Culture Management' Teaches Its Students

'Art Around Us': What 'Arts and Culture Management' Teaches Its Students

The English-taught Master's programme 'Arts and Culture Management' was designed for those who want to become successful in creative industries and are ready to create new projects, combining art and business. The programme partners are the State Hermitage Museum, the Alexandrinsky Theatre, the Fabergé Museum, 'Sevkabel Port' and others. Read the interview with Elena Zelenskaya, Academic Supervisor of the programme.

Illustration for news: 'An Entrepreneur Has to Be Passionate About Their Business'

'An Entrepreneur Has to Be Passionate About Their Business'

The results of the Russian part of the Global University Entrepreneurial Spirit Students' Survey (GUESSS 2021) have been published. It found that Russian students show interest in entrepreneurship more often and think about starting their own business five years after graduation. Galina Shirokova, Professor at the School of Economics and Management, Director of the Centre for Strategic Entrepreneurship, told us about other trends in the sphere of entrepreneurship.

Illustration for news: Galina Shirokova: 'Creativity and Imagination Help in Any Career'

Galina Shirokova: 'Creativity and Imagination Help in Any Career'

Lecturers from HSE University-St Petersburg and the University of Oregon (US) have designed a course aimed at developing creativity in business activities. Galina Shirokova, Professor at the Department of Management, talks about the course and shares her plans to develop imagination and creative thinking within the St Petersburg School of Economics and Management.

Illustration for news: The Main Indicator of Education Quality Is the Level of Research

The Main Indicator of Education Quality Is the Level of Research

This is what Dr Manoj Sharma believes. At the beginning of this academic year, he became Vice President of HSE University-St Petersburg and has started to supervise the international activities of the campus, from the academic mobility programmes to partnerships with world universities. We spoke to him about language barriers, key tasks, and Russian peculiarities.

Illustration for news: Our Professor Irina Alekseevna Sizova - About Working at HSE University, MA Arts and Culture Management Programme, and Connection with Students

Our Professor Irina Alekseevna Sizova - About Working at HSE University, MA Arts and Culture Management Programme, and Connection with Students

Professor Irina came to us from Tomsk, where she received a Ph.D. in history and became an irreplaceable part of our program. She studies various practices of global and Russian museums, explores their online environment and formats of connection between museums and the target market. In her classes, she conducts many interactive and entertaining activities. Professor Irina also has many invaluable experiences in working with museums and museum structures.

Illustration for news: International Opportunities Online: Joint Courses Bring HSE’s and International Students Together

International Opportunities Online: Joint Courses Bring HSE’s and International Students Together

Call for Applications for the development and delivery of joint online courses with international partner universities completed at HSE University — St. Petersburg at the end of December. Now students of five educational programmes can take courses developed by lecturers from HSE and partner universities. Students of partner universities will take the courses along with students of HSE University — St. Petersburg.

Illustration for news: Professor Julia Georgievna Trabskaya - A View on The Educational Process Through The Eyes of an Academic Supervisor

Professor Julia Georgievna Trabskaya - A View on The Educational Process Through The Eyes of an Academic Supervisor

Professor Julia T. is one of the most important and at the same time the most beloved person in our faculty. She helps all the students through all the difficulties during the education process, protects their interests, shares the joys of learning and victories in good results, and also opens the curtain of management in the experience industry for students.

Illustration for news: Conference 'Transformation of Business Models in Art and Culture during a Crisis' - HSE University in St. Petersburg and Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Milan)

Conference 'Transformation of Business Models in Art and Culture during a Crisis' - HSE University in St. Petersburg and Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore (Milan)

The Master Programme of Arts and Culture Management, HSE University, St. Petersburg and Master Programme of Arts Management, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, held the «Transformation of Business Models in Art and Culture during a Crisis» conference on 19 November 2020.

The conference is designed to bring together practitioners and students to debate the current trends in the arts and culture sectors. Practitioners from St.Petersburg (Faberge museum, Capella, Alexandinskiy Theatre New Stage, Street Art Museum will participate) and Milan (Milano Musica association, Negri-Clemente law firm (TBC), Cape Town Art Fair, Giò Pomodoro archive) shared their experience dealing with the situation during the pandemic.