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Practical training

General information

Practical training is a form of educational activity during studies under a given degree programme, with learners completing certain types of tasks, related to their future professional activities and aimed at building, consolidating, and developing practical skills and competencies specific to the respective degree programme. The goals and objectives of practical training shall be attained through the implementation of PTEs. The implementation of practical training for HSE students is provided in the module of the study plan of the educational programme, that is titled "Internship".

The procedure for organising and conducting PTEs of HSE students is regulated by Regulations on Practical Training of Students under Core Bachelor’s, Specialist and Master’s Programmes at HSE University 

You can also read about the organisation of internship at the HSE in the academic handbook at the link.


The conditions and features of the implementation of PTEs provided by the curriculum of the study plan of the educational programme Arts and Culture Management are described in

You can learn more about the preparation of Master's dissertation in the document "Guidelines for Master Dissertation" on the page Final State Certification.

Practical training elements (PTEs):

For 2022 intake:



Number of ECTS credits and academic hours

Period of realisation


Term paper

3 (114 ac.h.)

Modules 2-4



5 (190 ac.h.)

Not later than Module 3 of 2nd year of study


Research Internship

9 (342 ac.h.)

Module 3


Master's dissertation (preparation)

19 (722 ac.h.)

Modules 2-4


For 2023 intake:



Number of ECTS credits and academic hours

Period of realisation


Term paper

4 (152 ac.h.)

Modules 2-4


Course project

6 (228 ac.h.)

Modules 1-4


Work Experience Internship

9 (342 ac.h.)

Module 3


Master's dissertation (preparation)

17 (646 ac.h.)

Modules 2-4


Term Paper

Term paper topics (i.e term paper titles) are selected using the LMS system through the module "Thesis/Term paper topics" ("Couse themes"): Instructions on selection of term paper and thesis topics.

You can apply for a topic from those proposed by faculty members or propose your own topic. Please note that it is important to contact the supervisor and discuss the topic first.

The request for changing the term paper topic/title is submitted through the LMS system using the module "Thesis/Term paper topics" ("Couse themes").


Key dates (for 2023 intake):

20 November  26 April, 23.00  17 June, 23.00 25, 26 June

Deadline for submitting applications

on the topic of term papers in the LMS

to the supervisor or choosing

a topic from those specified in the LMS

Submission of a request for title

and/or supervisor change

(if needed)

Submission of the final version

of the term in LMS system,

antiplagiarism check with “Antiplagiat” system

Term Paper Defense 


Regulations on Checking Student Papers for Plagiarism and the Publication of Bachelor’s, Specialist and Master’s Theses on the HSE Corporate Website

Plagiarism in written assignments

How to upload thesis to Learning Management System (LMS) 

Please note that the level of originality of your paper cannot be lower 80%!



Deadline for course project submission: June 17th, 2024 (23.00).

Course project report must be submitted to "Thesis/ Paper" module in LMS system. 



Internship period: 15 January 2024 - 16 March 2024

The Internship Superviser: Svetlana Supranovich (ssupranovich@hse.ru)

The main information on Research Internship in the academic year 2023/24 can be found in Internship Programme 2022   (pp. 6-11).

Internship Placement           

The placement must be approved by the internship supervisor.

You need to submit a request for internship via LMS. Deadline is to be confirmed.


There are the following ways to find a place of internship:

1. Get assistance from Career Development Centre. Each year, the CDC forms a base of places for internship, which will be provided by our partners for students.

2. Your internship supervisor can help to find a place of internship.

3. Internship can be completed in the laboratories and research centers of the Higher School of Economics, in this case you need to contact the heads of the respective structural units.

Internship Agreement

Before the beginnig of an internship, it is necessary to sign an agreement, unless an agreement already exists. If the student is doing internships through the Career Development Centre, partner company or at the HSE structural unit, no additional agreement is required. In other cases an argeement must be finalised and verified via the help of internship supervisor.

1. Students draw up an individual assignment for the internship and the schedule of internship together with the internship supervisor from the university before the start of an internship. They are refined during the internship if needed and signed by internship supervisors from HSE and the company not later than 2 weeks before the defence. Individual task and a internship schedule are presented together with the internship report on the day of defence. If students fail to provide these documents with all the required signatures, they will be denied admission to the defense. 

2. After the end of the internship, internship supervisor from the company writes a review. 

3. During the internship, students write a report. 

Templates for the reporting documents are provided in the Internship Programme.