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International Opportunities Online: Joint Courses Bring HSE’s and International Students Together

Call for Applications for the development and delivery of joint online courses with international partner universities completed at HSE University — St. Petersburg at the end of December. Now students of five educational programmes can take courses developed by lecturers from HSE and partner universities. Students of partner universities will take the courses along with students of HSE University — St. Petersburg.

International Opportunities Online: Joint Courses Bring HSE’s and International Students Together

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HSE University — St. Petersburg's lecturers had been proposing their ideas on delivering joined courses available for students of HSE and partner universities throughout the call for applications. It was open from November 23 to December 25, 2020. A principal condition to implement the joint courses is integrating them into both universities' curricula. It means that the student number will double — HSE students will take the courses together with their international colleagues. Such an experience will help students advance their international communication skills, boost their English language proficiency, and become more competitive in the labour market.

'Labor market redesign: comparative studies from Europe and Asia' by the graduate programme 'Business and Politics in Modern Asia'. Lecturers: Liudmila S. Veselova (HSE University — St. Petersburg) and Prof Natalia Ribberink (Hamburg University of Applied Sciences).

The course covers the main trends of the labour market in Europe and Asia and shows a particular country's distinctions. Students will explore the 30-year-cut labour market dynamics and compare modern situations in Europe and Asia.

'Historical Textual Criticism' by the graduate programme 'Global and Regional History'. Lecturers: Nikolai Ssorin-Chaikov (HSE University — St. Petersburg) and Dr Michal Murawski (University College London).

This interdisciplinary course aims at developing students' critical thinking concerning forms of text analysis and categorization of analysis methods

'Arts Management in the Context of Modern Cultural Institutions' by the graduate programme 'Arts and Culture Management'. Lecturers: Julia Trabskaya and Aleksei Gorgadze (HSE University — St. Petersburg), and Dr Chiara Paolino and Dr Federica De Molli (Catholic University of Sacred Heart in Milano).

Graduate students will learn how to define a strategic development plan and carry out projects in creative industries. The course focuses on innovative development and fostering managerial skills.

'Social Policy in Post-Soviet Countries: Societal Challenges and Political Implications' by the graduate programme 'Comparative Politics of Eurasia'. Lecturers: Anna Tarasenko (HSE University — St. Petersburg) and Dr Olga Zeveleva (University of Helsinki).

The course introduces the key concepts of welfare in post-Soviet countries and suggests their examination in terms of social transformation.

'A History of the World since 1300' by the undergraduate programme 'History'. Lecturers: Ekaterina Kalemeneva (HSE University — St. Petersburg) and Prof. Jeremy Adelman (Princeton University).

Course learners will analyze global historical processes of integration and disintegration and how they have been modelling critical events of the past and present: empires, global markets, supranational government systems, and religious organisation

All courses will be available in the current and next academic years. The next stage of the competition is scheduled for the spring of the 2020/2021 academic year. To find more information, visit the website of the Office of Degree Programmes.

Olga Okulova, project coordinator: 'We believe that the joint online courses will allow students to acquire excellent experience in studying in an international context, and the lecturers will be allowed to make their courses even more appealing to both domestic and international students and enhance cooperation with their colleagues from abroad.'