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Final State Certification

Final State Certification - 2025

Schedule for final state certification in the 2024-2025 academic year: to be confirmed

State Examination Board for the 2024-2025 academic year: to be confirmed

Appeals Committee for the 2024-2025 academic year: to be confirmed


20 November

To approve a supervisor
and title of Master's thesis

14 march 

Opportunity to change
a supervisor

15 april 

Opportunity to change
a title of Master's thesis in LMS system (until 23:00) 

15 may (tentative)

Uploading Master's thesis
to LMS (until 23:00)

2-11 june

Thesis Defence

How to upload theses to Learning Management System (LMS)


Regualtions on Final State Certification
Procedure for Appealing the Results of State Final Certifications
Procedure for Writing Theses and Term Papers for Degree Students at HSE University (Annex 8, Regulations on Practical Training) 
Regulations on Checking Student Papers for Plagiarism, the Use of Generative Models and the Publication of Bachelor’s, Specialist and Master’s Theses on the HSE Corporate Website 

Admission to the defence

Students who successfully complete all the courses and submit their master's thesis within the prescribed period are admitted to the defence. Persons not admitted to the defence of the thesis are expelled from HSE University. The defence is carried out by the State Certification Board, which is headed by a chairperson approved by HSE Academic Council. Topics and supervisors of master's theses are approved by the directive in the second year of study.

Guidelines for Master's thesis preparation




The defence begins with a presentation by the student on the topic of the master’s thesis.  The length of the presentation should not be longer 20 minutes or 30 minutes for individual and group presentations respectively. All group members must be present at the defence. Students present the main content of their theses freely without reading a written text. Students are required to use a computer presentation, e.g. PowerPoint slides; graphs, tables or other material to illustrate relevant aspects of the thesis can be used. After the presentation, members of the State Examination Board ask the student questions that are directly related to the topic of the thesis or related to the field of research. When answering questions, the student has the right to use a printed copy of his/her thesis. The presence of thesis supervisor and (or) the reviewer at the defence is not mandatory. After the discussion, the student is given the final word. In concluding remarks, the student must respond to the comments of thesis supervisor and the reviewer, if any, after which the defence procedure is considered completed. 

Postponement of the defence 

A student who does not pass the final state certification without a valid reason, including receiving unsatisfactory results at the final state certification, is expelled from the HSE and an academic certificate is issued. When a student is reinstated at the Higher School of Economics, the specified student is entitled to pass the final state certification again no earlier than one year and no later than two years after passing the final state certification for the first time. (Regulation on the final state certification, clause 5.1.)

Graduation with distinction ("red diploma")

Degree certificates with distinction ("red diplomas") are awarded to students who have received an excellent grade for the master's thesis defence and have only good and excellent (no less than 75 % of the total) grades for all courses, internships, projects listed in the diploma supplement. In accordance with the Regulations for Interim and Ongoing Assessments at HSE University, the retake of a positive assessment (a 4 and higher) is not allowed.

If students have completed optional courses, they can remove these courses from their diploma supplements when approving the draft supplements via their personal account (ELK), "Completion of studies" service.

Post-graduation leave

Students who successfully completed the Final State Certification in June have the right to apply for a post-graduation leave until 11 August 2024, thereby extending their student status. Students submit applications via their personal account (ELK), "Completion of studies" service.
Procedure for granting a leave. 

Final State Certification - 2024

 Master's Thesis Guidelines 

Thesis Defence Schedule ACM 2024  

State Examination Board ACM 2024  

Appeals Committee for the 2023-2024 academic year: 

Olga Stoyanova, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Head, Associate Professor, Department of Business Informatics and Operations Management 

Irina V. Zolotukhina, Doctor of Sciences in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Tatiana A. Anisovets, Senior Lecturer, Department of Economics
Polina S. Artamoshina, Lecturer, Department of Management
Ekaterina Pavlova, Senior Lecturer, Department of Business Informatics and Operations Management 

Sofia Kovaleva, Curriculum Coordinator, Bachelor's Programmes Curriculum Support (