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Tag "professors"

The Development of Asian and African Studies and Other Current Topics of the Eastern Economic Forum

The Development of Asian and African Studies and Other Current Topics of the Eastern Economic Forum
Liudmila Veselova, Academic Supervisor of the Master's Programme 'Business and Politics in Modern Asia' at HSE University-St Petersburg, participated in the Eastern Economic Forum (EEF) in Vladivostok on September 5–8. We asked Liudmila to share her impressions of the forum.

Era of the Pandemic in Researches of HSE University-St Petersburg: Yury Kabanov's New Article on Anti-COVID Policy in Russian Regions

Era of the Pandemic in Researches of HSE University-St Petersburg: Yury Kabanov's New Article on Anti-COVID Policy in Russian Regions
The COVID-19 pandemic affected many areas of public life. Now the researchers have many new questions which require extensive consideration. Yury Kabanov, Academic Supervisor of the Bachelor's programme 'Political Science and World Politics', and his colleagues conducted a research on public administration in Russia during the pandemic and public opinion of people in the regions.

Liudmila Veselova on Career Opportunities of Orientalists-Sinologists

Liudmila Veselova on Career Opportunities of Orientalists-Sinologists
Alexandra Polosukhina, manager of Career Centre, talked to Liudmila Veselova, Academic Supervisor of the Master's programme ‘Business and Politics in Modern Asia’, about the employment of the graduated sinologists.

Russia Quits the Bologna System: What It Means and Why International Academic Career is Still Possible

Andrey Starodubtsev
On May 24, Valery Falkov, minister of science and higher education of the Russian Federation, announced that Russia would quit the Bologna System. After that, there started an intense public discussion about the essence of this system and its influence on the current and prospective students. Andrey Starodubtsev, Academic Supervisor of the Master’s programme ‘Comparative Politics of Eurasia’, explains the basic principles of this system with examples and tells why the students who are interested in academic career should not panic

Is There (NO)Future for Cultural Institution? International Seminar Takes Place in Istanbul

Is There (NO)Future for Cultural Institution? International Seminar Takes Place in Istanbul
Dr Margarita Kuleva along with co-organisers Eda Yigit and Orhan Cem Çetin participated in the (NO) Future Institutions event held between the 15th and 17th December in Istanbul. Supported by the Centre for German and European Studies, St Petersburg State University, Bielefeld University and the ‘Digital Art History’ Research Group (HSE University), the seminar focused on the modern challenges facing cultural institutions, their curators, and associated workers. The event was introduced and chaired by Dr Kuleva, who was inspired by the rapid changes surrounding the future survival of cultural institutions in the pandemic age.

Quantifying the Power of the Word: HSE Students and Scholars to Study Poetic Texts Using Computer Methods

Quantifying the Power of the Word: HSE Students and Scholars to Study Poetic Texts Using Computer Methods
The Faculty of Humanities is switching to project-based research and teaching, which includes many new collaborative research endeavours. Professor Evgeny Kazartsev, who recently became the head of the HSE School of Philological Studies, told the HSE News Service about Computer Methods for Literary Textual Analysis project.

HSE Scholars to Participate in Creating a New Platform for Russian National Corpus

HSE Scholars to Participate in Creating a New Platform for Russian National Corpus
The Russian Ministry of Education and Science has announced the results of a grant competition for big research projects. One of the winners is a project with HSE University participation: the creation of a next generation computational linguistic platform to digitally record the Russian language.

Museums Learn to Cope with Quarantine

Approximately six months before the introduction of restrictive measures, the Laboratory of Cultural Economics at the St. Petersburg campus of HSE began a study of how Russian and foreign museums conduct their online educational activities. The researchers released their initial findings in late January 2020, having managed to “take the temperature” of this market before the pandemic hit. Professor Valery Gordin and Research Associate Irina Sizova explain what it was like before the coronavirus crisis and how it will look afterwards.

Ivan Kotliarov: 'We Need Specialists Who Will Stand Up for Russia's Interests in Our Cooperation with Asian Countries'

Ivan Kotliarov: 'We Need Specialists Who Will Stand Up for Russia's Interests in Our Cooperation with Asian Countries'
Ivan D. Kotliarov, Associate Professor of the Department of Finance at HSE - Saint Peterburg, discusses the economic potential of countries in Asia and the Middle East, the impact of the coronavirus pandemic on the world economy, and what makes HSE - St. Petersburg so appealing to its many international students.

Ronald Inglehart Is the Most Cited Political Scientist

Ronald Inglehart Is the Most Cited Political Scientist
Ronald Inglehart, Chief Research Fellow at the Laboratory for Comparative Social Research (LCSR), topped the The Political Science 400 and became the most cited political scientist in the United States.