The application period for HSE’s Student Research Paper Competition has started. The winners will have an opportunity to take part in workshops on academic skills development, while those in state-financed studies will improve their chances of seeing their academic scholarships increased. Also, in addition in HSE students, learners from other academic institutions are eligible for this competition.
This question became a subject of the article published by our student, Sergey Galaktionov, and Elena Rogova, in Innovations

The annual scholarship competition results were announced recently. HSE University - Saint Petersburg is represented by three master students of School of Economics and Management
On March, 9, 2017, at 14.00, we will discuss problems of asset pricing, derivatives, econometrics of financial markets.

Anastasia Kanaeva (Vasilieva), the graduate of Master in Finance (2015), published a paper together with her research advisor, associate professor Elizaveta Markovskaya, in the Journal of Economic Policy
We are glad to announce forthcoming open research seminar of St Petersburg School of Economics and Management HSE. Professor Štěpán Jurajda (CERGE-EI) will present his paper «Comparing Real Wage Rates using McWages». The seminar will take place on Nov 25, 2016, at 17:30, at Kantemirovskaya 3A, room 346.
If you would like to attend the seminar, please send your name and affiliation to:
If you would like to attend the seminar, please send your name and affiliation to: