About the School
SEM Mission:
'SEM nurtures credible leaders for data-driven decision-making and evidence-based management, who are ready for challenges of disruption, while making responsible choices and impactful outreach'.
The School of Economics and Management (SEM) integrates economics, finance and management, forming special competencies at the intersection of disciplines: business intelligence, organizational economics, personnel economics, corporate finance, evidence-based management, data-driven solutions for marketing. It provides an opportunity to get an intercultural / international experience for each student due to the high internationalization of programs, the English-speaking environment and students mobility. Forms a creative entrepreneurial environment in which any initiative of students and teachers are encouraged, the principles of self-government are effectively implemented and decision-making is decentralized.
The main goal in teaching bachelors, masters and graduate students at SEM is to prepare for professional activities, taking into account the requirements of the global labor market, and for independent research work.
The open education system ensures the interaction of educational programs, scientific and business projects, professional tracks and industry modules. Projects are implemented in collaboration with business partners: VK, OZON, Unilever, Tele2 are strategic partners of key educational programs. Geropharm, Lenta, Rostelecom are partners within industry modules. The Alexandrinsky Theatre, the Hermitage, VK, Lenta are partners within the framework of the FE.
In addition to educational activities, staff and students of the School of Economics and Management provide scientific expertise (excellence initiatives) in leading international research centers and laboratories.
Our students are active in extracurricular activities. They come up with and implement new projects, participate and organize student events in various areas: sports, creativity, business, science, charity, social projects
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