Fair Science
On October 20-22, 2016 the Laboratory of Game Theory and Decision Making organized a School on Computational Social Choice and Fair Division. After two introductory lectures by the HSE professors Anna Bogomolnaia and Hervé Moulin, the School offered courses of three worldwide experts in the field.
Technology, Natural Resources and Crises in the Past and Present of Europe and Beyond
From October 21st – 22nd, 2016, an international workshop on ‘Technology, natural resources and crises in the past and present of Europe and beyond’ took place at HSE in St. Petersburg. The event was organized by the HSE Centre for Historical Research, Aarhus Univerisity (Denmark), and Tensions of Europe (TOE), an international scientific network.
MIT Professors Discuss Microbiopolitics Through the Lens of American Cheese
On Monday, October 3, two professors of anthropology from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) – Heather Paxson and Stefan Helmreich – delivered a seminar for students of HSE St. Petersburg Master's programme in Applied and Interdisciplinary History. A presentation by Professor Paxson focused on how the microbiopolitics of cheese making in the U.S. presupposed and promoted industrial methods and standards and how in recent decades interest in producing and consuming artisanally made, raw-milk cheese has risen dramatically.
The Book by Ronald Suny Won the Prestigious Wayne S. Vucinich Book Prize
The book by Prof. Ronald Grigor Suny (Head of the International Research Project "Comparative Historical Studies of Empire and Nationalism") “They Can Live in the Desert but Nowhere Else”: A History of the Armenian Genocide" has won the Wayne S. Vucinich Book Prize.
ICAEW Lecture and Business Game Held at HSE St Petersburg
On October 4, a lecture and business game were organized by the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW) and held at HSE Saint Petersburg.

Students Can Now Visit Project Office of Saint Petersburg TechnoPark
In July 2016 our university created a Specialized department (project office) JSC “Saint-Petersburg Techno Park”, and one of its units in the business incubator “Ingria”. Now the specialized department is a part of HSE - Saint Petersburg School of Economics and Management and its aim is to develop theoretic and practical knowledge and applied competences of bachelor, specialist and master students in the sphere of project work, as well as to help students and alumni find their place on the labor market and increase their competitive advantages.
Two Literatures Met at Pushkin Apartment
The National Pushkin Museum at its famous home on on Moyka Embankment was the platform for the first Polish-Russian interdisciplinary seminar ‘Methods of Textual Criticism and Models of Poetics’. The seminar was co-organized by the museum, HSE in St. Petersburg, Polish Academy of Sciences, and the Vinogradov Institute of Russian Language, Russian Academy of Sciences.
Extreme Urbanism in St. Petersburg
Experts from HSE’s Moscow and St. Petersburg campuses participated in the 2nd International Spatial Development Forum, which took place September 24 – 27, 2016, in St. Petersburg. The key topic of the forum was ‘Extreme Urbanism’.
HSE One of Four Russian Universities in THE Top-100 Subject Rankings
Higher School of Economics (HSE) is the sole Russian academic institution to appear on the ranking’s Top-100 for ‘Business and Economics’, holding the 83rd spot.
Many Research Questions Remain about Intellectual Capital
This year the 12th Annual International Workshop on ‘Intangibles, Intellectual Capital and Extra-Financial Information’ was held in Russia for the first time. The workshop was organized by the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM) in cooperation with HSE and the University of Ferrara.