International Projects: Post-Imperial Diversities
Our colleagues have started a new research project. The project is implemented by a consortium of leading international universities, including HSE - St. Petersburg. Its overall aim is to study the constitutional politics of ethnic, linguistic, and religious diversity in the transition from empires to post-imperial arrangements following the Russian empire and the Soviet Union.
New Challenges to the International Public Law
This March Dr. Elena Cirkovic delivered a talk at the Manchester International Law Centre, titled "Extractive industries, climate change, and the Russian Arctic: global strategies and local adaptations". Dr. Cirkovic focused on new challenges international public law is facing due to climate change and extractive industry interests in the Arctic.
Will Robots Replace Humans on the Job Market?
The debate continues over whether new graduates need more soft skills or more hard skills to succeed, and it should be noted that the debate now addresses competition on the job market, not only between human beings, but between human beings and robots. This hot topic was a focus at the recent Winter School at HSE University – St. Petersburg.
Young US Researcher about Migrant Children in St. Petersburg Schools
Marica Sharashenidze is a young researcher from the USA. She was an associate at HSE Laboratory of Sociology in Education and Science in 2016/2017 academic year. In the spring of 2016, she graduated from Rice University in Houston (Texas) with a bachelor's degree. While still a student of the last year, she wrote to professor Alexandrov, Director of Laboratory of Sociology in Education and Science, that she would like to come and do her research project in the Laboratory. From September 2016 to July 2017 Marika lived in St. Petersburg and studied migrant children in St. Petersburg schools. We talked to Marika about her research and how she spent this year in Russia.
The Best of Student Research Competition 2017 Awarded
The results of the 2017 Best Student Scientific Research Competition (NIRS) have been announced. We take this opportunity to name and honour the winners, the runners-up, and their academic supervisors.
Experience Economy at HSE St. Petersburg: A Student's Story
Born on the border between Estonia and Russia, Anželika Varblane had never visited Russia before deciding to apply for a master's programme in Economics at HSE St. Petersburg. Here is Anželika's story: how she came to choose Russia, how she adapted to life in St. Petersburg, her future plans, and her study and research in Experience Economy at HSE.
Consul General of France Visited HSE St Petersburg
M Hugo de Chavagnac, Consul General of the Republic of France has given a visit to HSE University in St Petersburg this week, December 12, 2017. The Higher School of Economics in St Petersburg is among the first sites of official visiting for his new assignment.
Youth subcultures: what are they now?
From 30 November to 1 December 2017, the international conference "Urban youth cultures: solidarity, creativity, activism" will take place as part of the project "Creative Fields of Interethnic Cooperation and Youth Cultural Scenes of Russian Cities" (Russian Science Foundation, 2015-2017), implemented by the Center for Youth Studies (CYS) at the Higher School of Economics in St. Petersburg. The research of the CYS always produces interesting results, so we turned to the director of the Center Professor Elena Omelchenko to find out more about the upcoming event.
Complex Networks at the School of Economics and Management
This spring, a group of academics and students of the School of Economics and Management at HSE St. Petersburg, headed by Professor Vladimir Matveenko, received a grant from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR). The outcome of their effort: scientific reports prepared by Economics students in the fourth year Maxim Bakhtin and in the third year Yulia Skoblova were selected to participate in the Second International Workshop "Networks, Complexity, and Economic Development" conducted by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. In a month, Maxim and Yulia will visit Budapest to present their work.
Bordering Religion in (Post) Cold War Worlds
On June 16-18, the international conference on anthropology ‘Bordering Religion in (Post) Cold War Worlds’ was held at HSE St. Petersburg. The event was organized by Angie Heo from the University of Chicago Divinity School (USA) and Zhanna Kormina, HSE Professor.