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Tag "professors"

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Illustration for news: Era of the Pandemic in Researches of HSE University-St Petersburg: Yury Kabanov's New Article on Anti-COVID Policy in Russian Regions

Era of the Pandemic in Researches of HSE University-St Petersburg: Yury Kabanov's New Article on Anti-COVID Policy in Russian Regions

The COVID-19 pandemic affected many areas of public life. Now the researchers have many new questions which require extensive consideration. Yury Kabanov, Academic Supervisor of the Bachelor's programme 'Political Science and World Politics', and his colleagues conducted a research on public administration in Russia during the pandemic and public opinion of people in the regions.

Illustration for news: Chinese Fiction: To Read or Not To Read?

Chinese Fiction: To Read or Not To Read?

Understanding China requires knowing the Chinese language, reading scientific articles, and getting acquainted with the works of Chinese authors. We spoke to HSE University sinologists about which books by Chinese authors they found most interesting.

Illustration for news: 'HSE Is a Demanding but at the Same Time Rewarding University'

'HSE Is a Demanding but at the Same Time Rewarding University'

Both the Bachelor's programme 'Political Science and World Politics' and the Master's programme 'Comparative Politics of Eurasia' offer a lot of international experience to their students. Probably the most precious of all is the opportunity to receive knowledge from the foreign instructors from all over the world. In the interview, assistant professor Andras Gal shares his thoughts on the educational process in HSE and gives some easy recommendations for the future students to follow.

Illustration for news: Liudmila Veselova on Career Opportunities of Orientalists-Sinologists

Liudmila Veselova on Career Opportunities of Orientalists-Sinologists

Alexandra Polosukhina, manager of Career Centre, talked to Liudmila Veselova, Academic Supervisor of the Master's programme ‘Business and Politics in Modern Asia’, about the employment of the graduated sinologists.

Illustration for news: Russia Quits the Bologna System: What It Means and Why International Academic Career is Still Possible

Russia Quits the Bologna System: What It Means and Why International Academic Career is Still Possible

On May 24, Valery Falkov, minister of science and higher education of the Russian Federation, announced that Russia would quit the Bologna System. After that, there started an intense public discussion about the essence of this system and its influence on the current and prospective students. Andrey Starodubtsev, Academic Supervisor of the Master’s programme ‘Comparative Politics of Eurasia’, explains the basic principles of this system with examples and tells why the students who are interested in academic career should not panic

Illustration for news: What Is Political Science and Why Study It?

What Is Political Science and Why Study It?

What is political science? What does a political scientist do as a researcher? How is political science connected with real life? These were responded to by the lecturers of the programme 'Political Science and World Politics'.

Illustration for news: 'It Is Like Having Three Separate but Intertwined Programmes'

'It Is Like Having Three Separate but Intertwined Programmes'

As the 2022 admission campaign approaches, Andrey Starodubtsev, Academic Supervisor of the Master's Programme in Comparative Politics of Eurasia, talks about the programme’s unique focus and the specifics of the educational process.

Illustration for news: 'Businesses Are Looking for Fast Learners'

'Businesses Are Looking for Fast Learners'

'Business and Politics in Modern Asia' is a master's programme aimed at students of Asian Studies and those who come from other educational backgrounds but have a strong portfolio. Each year the programme gets more practical: one can study analytics as part of elective courses, opt for various projects and do an internship at partner companies. In this interview, Liudmila Veselova, the programme’s academic supervisor, tells us in which way the programme cooperates with business, what international connections it has, and whether it is possible to enrol without the knowledge of Oriental languages.

Illustration for news: 'We Shape HSE University Community Through Inter-Campus Courses'

'We Shape HSE University Community Through Inter-Campus Courses'

Inter-campus courses are the subjects that are available online for students of all HSE campuses. The courses have been present at the university since 2020, and during this time have become an integral part of the educational process. In this post, we will take a look at their main features and advantages.

Illustration for news: How to Choose Which Second Foreign Language to Learn

How to Choose Which Second Foreign Language to Learn

Students of the Political Science and World Politics programme study a second foreign language at the university. Current options include Chinese, German, Portuguese, and French, with Spanish set to be added next academic year. In this article, the programme's teachers and the leaders HSE University-St Petersburg language clubs discuss why knowing a foreign language ​​can come in handy and how to make the right choice.