
Round Table «Studying Peace in and with Central Eurasia. Starting from Local and Trans-Local Perspectives»

Round Table «Studying Peace in and with Central Eurasia. Starting from Local and Trans-Local Perspectives»
On 16 February, 18:00, MA programmes «Comparative Politics of Eurasia» and «Comparative Russian and Eurasian Politics» invite you to participate in the round table on peace research in and with Central Eurasia.

Doing Business in Asia: Opportunities, Traps and Professional Knowledge

Doing Business in Asia: Opportunities, Traps and Professional Knowledge
On 11 February, 19:00 (MSK) «Inspired by Your Bright Future: HSE Business Talk» project invites to participate in an open webinar on «Doing Business in Asia: Opportunities, Traps and Professional Knowledge» by Alexey Maslov.

Students of Master’s Programme 'Comparative Politics of Eurasia' to Participate in Online Methods Winter School by ECPR

Students of Master’s Programme 'Comparative Politics of Eurasia' to Participate in Online Methods Winter School by ECPR
In March, master’s students Daria Bobarykina and Mackenzie Tubridy will take part in the Virtual Winter School hosted by the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR). Founded in 1970, ECPR is a UK-based academic association geared towards the promotion and development of political science research. Among other things, ECPR serves as a forum for research and professional networking, issues grants and provides funding opportunities to scholars, steers publishing programmes, as well as delivers methodological training to graduate students and early-career researchers. The Higher School of Economics is one of the more than 300 member institutions from the association, and it was thanks to support from HSE that the students from the university’s Saint-Petersburg campus were able to enrol in the Virtual Winter School.

Public lecture "Social mobilization in Kyrgyzstan's 'revolutionary cycles'"

Public lecture "Social mobilization in Kyrgyzstan's 'revolutionary cycles'"

Students of the master’s programme «Comparative Politics of Eurasia» have started their internships

Students of the master’s programme «Comparative Politics of Eurasia» have started their internships

Student of the Graduate Programme 'Comparative Politics of Eurasia' Shares Experience of Freelancing and Hands-on Learning at HSE

Student of the Graduate Programme 'Comparative Politics of Eurasia' Shares Experience of Freelancing and Hands-on Learning at HSE
Many students at Higher School of Economics keep their personal blogs or publish them in different news outlets. Aruuke Uran Kyzy, a second-year student in the graduate Programme ‘Comparative Politics of Eurasia’ at HSE University — St. Petersburg, a journalist and a contributing analyst in the field of Politics of Eurasia, talks us through her experience. She has prominent publications for news outlets such as TRT World, The Diplomat, and she also writes for her personal blog.

Interview with Oleg Korneev, Academic Supervisor of the Master’s Programme 'Comparative Russian and Eurasian Politics'

Oleg Korneev visiting the campus of the American University of Central Asia
In 2021, HSE University – St. Petersburg will launch a new and unique Master’s programme in collaboration with University College London – the worldwide-renowned centre of academic excellence and the world's Top-10 university.

The Academic Supervisor of the Master's Programme “Comparative Politics of Eurasia” will take part in the implementation of the international project EUSHIFT (Jean Monnet Programme)

The Academic Supervisor of the Master's Programme “Comparative Politics of Eurasia” will take part in the implementation of the international project EUSHIFT (Jean Monnet Programme)
The Academic Supervisor of the Master's Programme 'Comparative Politics of Eurasia', Associate Professor at the Department of Political Science and International Relations, Oleg Korneev will take part in the implementation of the Jean Monnet project 'Shifts in the EU Area of ​​Freedom, Security and Justice: Multi-Dimensional Analysis' (EUSHIFT).

Liudmila Veselova took part in a meeting with students of the ESC Rennes School of Business (France)

Liudmila Veselova took part in a meeting with students of the ESC Rennes School of Business (France)
On December 9, 2020, at the invitation of the ESC Rennes School of Business (France), HSE Associate Professor Liudmila Veselova took part in a meeting with students in the framework of the so-called «Geopolitic Café».

Public lecture: Professor Laure Delcour (University Sorbonne Nouvelle, Paris), «Eastern Europe and the South Caucasus: a common, contested or fragmented neighbourhood?»

On December 16, Professor Laure Delcour will give a lecture, which will open the cycle of lectures organized by the MA programme «Comparative Politics of Eurasia».