
Anton Kotenko has received a research fellowship at Harvard

Anton Kotenko, a Junior Research Fellow of the Centre for Historical Research, has received the Eugene and Daymel Shklar Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Ukrainian Studies at Harvard Ukrainian Research Institute for the fall term of 2015/16.

HSE – An Ideal Choice for History Students

Samrat Sil, a student from the Presidency University in Kolkata (India) told about his first month of studies on the Master’s programme in Applied and Interdisciplinary History and explained the reasons why he would recommend every history student to take the opportunity to head to HSE St. Petersburg.

German Students Return Home from First Summer School on St. Petersburg Political Space

An international summer school in St. Petersburg held by the HSE History Department in cooperation with the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) has come to a close. On September 29, 22 students from 17 German universities who had come to St. Petersburg to study Russian history, culture and language received certificates of participation in the programme. Setting off for home the following day, they took with them a unique experience of studying in Russia’s most beautiful city, as well as new ideas and an understanding of Russia and its people.

Migrants’ Children Forget their Homeland and Native Language

Children of labour migrants from Central Asia don’t want to preserve their ethnic  self-definition, i.e. to speak their native language and follow their cultural traditions. They try to distance themselves from people of their ethnic identity and become fully locals. Both Russian schools and parents further this process, concluded Raisa Akifyeva, senior lecturer at the St. Petersburg School of Social Sciences and Humanities Department of Sociology, as a result of her research.

Professor Ronald Suny Celebrates His 75 th Birthday

Professor Ronald G. Suny, head of the international research project "Comparative Historical Studies of Empire and Nationalism", today celebrates his 75th birthday! His colleagues at HSE in St. Petersburg at the Department of History and Center for Historical Research wish Professor Suny every success in his work and many happy returns of the day.

111th Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association: Notes from a Participant

The 111th Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association (APSA) took place from September 3 – 6, 2015, in San Francisco. 

9th ECPR General Conference

Mikhail Turchenko, Lecturer at the HSE Department of Political Science in St. Petersburg, told the HSE News Service about his participation in the 9th General Conference of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR).

Conference “Receptions and Representations of Revolts in Early Modern Diplomacy IV: Borderlands”

At the kind invitation of Prof. Malte Griesse, head of the international research group “Revolts as communicative events” in the University of Konstanz, Germany, the representatives of the Department of history Prof. Adrian Selin and PhD student Kuzma Kukushkin took part in the conference “Receptions and Representations of Revolts in Early Modern Diplomacy IV: Borderlands”, held at the Sixty-first annual meeting of the Renaissance Society of America in Berlin (26/03/2015 - 28/03/2015). The meeting itself attracted more than 3000 participants from different countries. The conference was attended by more than 30 researchers from the UK, Germany, France, Italy, the Netherlands and Russia.

German University Students at HSE St. Petersburg

On September, 8th the HSE St Petersburg’s History Department opened a new Summer School on “The Topography of Imperial Power: the Political Space of St. Petersburg” . (The Academic Director of the school is Dr. Dietmar Wulff- long-term Associate Professor of DAAD and Associate Professor of the Department of History, HSE SPb.).

Conference in Ireland

Associate Professors at the Department of Foreign Languages Vera Meniailo and Natalia Tuliakova took part in the conference ‘Longing and Belonging: European Network of Comparative Literary Studies 6th Biennail Congress’ that was held on August 24-28 in Dublin and Galway, Ireland.