
American Academic’s Library Opens in HSE

On Thursday 4th June the Richard Stites Memorial Library opened at HSE St Petersburg. Courtney Nemroff, USA Acting Consul General to St Petersburg was there for the grand opening ceremony.

Historical Voyage across Europe

Undergraduate history students of HSE in St. Petersburg, research assistants of the Centre of Historical Studies, and members of the research and study group ‘Applied Geoinformatics in the Humanities’ recently visited Heidelberg University.

Participation in a project “Oceans Past Platform” of the European Cooperation in Science and Technology Framework COST

Julia Lajus, an Associate Professor at the History Department and Senior Research Fellow, Center for Historical Research of the Higher School of Economics in Saint Petersburg, became a participant from Near Neighbour Countries in the project of the European network COST - Action IS1403 “Oceans Past Platform (OPP)”.

Cultural and Political History in Munich and Regensburg

Ivan Sablin, Research Fellow at the Centre for Historical Research (HSE in Saint Petersburg) presented reports dedicated to cultural and political history of North Eurasia in Munich and Regensburg.

The Department of History Higher School of Economics – St. Petersburg and the University of Jyväskylä (Finland) start cooperation for student and teacher international mobility in the academic year 2015/2016

The University of Jyväskylä (JYU) received funding from the Centre for International Mobility (CIMO) of Finland in order to intensify international student and teacher exchange with HSE –  Saint-Petersburg through the Finnish-Russian Student and Teacher Exchange Network (FIRST).

Measuring Well-Being and Happiness

On April 30, the Laboratory for Comparative Social Research sponsored a seminar in St. Petersburg by Associate Researcher Francesco Sarracino on ‘Do people care for a sustainable future? Evidence from happiness data’. Sarracino is an economist at Luxembourg’s National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (STATEC) and specializes in social capital, economic growth and well-being; he recently spoke at length with the HSE news service about his research interests, implications of measuring happiness and wellbeing for policymakers, and his experience collaborating with the Higher School of Economics.

HSE Lecturers Took Part in the Conference in France

On March 16-20 Mikhail Antonov, Associate Professor at the Department of Theory and History of Law and State and Sergei Akopov, Associate Professor at the Department of Political Science delivered a series of lectures in English and French on legal and political system of the Russian Federation during the conference orgaznised by HSE partner university Science Po Aix-en-Provence.

Conference in Leicester, Great Britain

From April 17 to 19, 2015, Irina Shemeleva, Head of the Department of Foreign Languages, took part in a conference called ‘EAP in a rapidly changing landscape: issues, challenges and solutions’ in Leicester.

‘Conducting Comparative Research Requires One to Leave a Comfortable Environment’

‘Conducting Comparative Research Requires One to Leave a Comfortable Environment’
Students of the international Master’s programme in Comparative Social Research, which opened in 2014, spent their first semester studying at the Moscow campus of the Higher School of Economics; the second semester was spent in St. Petersburg. Another six months will be devoted to study abroad. Mobility in the educational process is an important principle of the programme that allows future sociologists to better understand social reality. The English-language programme turned out to of interest not only to Russian students, but also to graduates of prestigious foreign universities.

Usable Pasts

In 2015, the international MA in English will launch, called Applied and Interdisciplinary History 'Usable Pasts'. The programme is headed by Associate Professor at the School of History, Julia Lajus, who told us about it.