Tag "ideas & experience"
Dr. Laura Salchiuviene from Lancaster University will present her research at the faculty meeting, September, 13.
This 5-day summer school, the first of its kind in Russia, will address this vital topic, starting with 2 days devoted explicitly to the measurement of health benefits, before moving on to consider cost-benefit analysis, cost-utility and cost-effectiveness analysis and other increasingly common methods as well as the design of trial based studies and decision analytic models. The school will be delivered in English by some of the world’s leading experts in this field.
Lukas Geyer, a free-mover student from the University of Bayreuth in Germany, is currently studying in the Bachelor’s programme in Economics at HSE St. Petersburg. Lukas recently spoke to the HSE news service about his studies and connections to Russian culture.
‘The ability to work as a team and the communication skills acquired at HSE undoubtedly helped me in my studies’. Nadezhda Antonova, HSE graduate in Management, spent a semester in the Netherlands as part of an exchange programme. She shared her impressions and told us about her everyday study life.

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