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St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management

New form of projects: working for business

For the first time on May 17th, the St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management held an event called Bar Camp 2019, organized for master students of the first course in the program Management and Analytics for Business and Finance. 

tudents were offered to take part in solving real cases from partner companies of the university as project work. The program of the two disciplines was divided into several teams, having both a Russian-speaking participant and a representative of the other discipline. 


This style of grouping allowed the students to experience professional working environment and organizational skills. Each team had its own head mentor from the faculty and a representative from the company, which allowed them to finish the tasks in a short time. In a short three weeks, undergraduates managed to prepare a motivational consulting report in two languages (Russian and English) for the following companies: charity shop, Legko Legko LLC, Innovation LLC, Neva innovation and Technology Company LLC, the center Anton Here Nearby, pharmaceutical company GEROPHARM, and other teams prepared and conducted marketing and financial analyses, built business models, calculated costs, and predicted profits. At the end of the project work, the results were presented in the format of a poster session, where students-trainees spoke about the main results, indicators, and ideas with their pitch-performance. 


Protection of projects before representatives of customers also took place. Reports in Russian and English were handed over to the management of enterprises. The best works were awarded by the companies and will be considered to be used in the future. The idea of Bar Camp was to immerse oneself in a real working environment, feel the different roles, and be able to organize one’s time properly to get the intended results.