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Illustration for news: HSE Represented at EAIE Conference in Glasgow

HSE Represented at EAIE Conference in Glasgow

From September 15 to 18, 2015, a delegation from HSE took part in The Annual EAIE Conference for the second time. This year international experts in higher education gathered in Glasgow.

Illustration for news: Students from Birmingham visit HSE St Petersburg

Students from Birmingham visit HSE St Petersburg

A one-month-long exchange for students from the Centre for Russian, European, and Eurasian Studies at Birmingham University (UK) in HSE has come to a close. They share their impressions.

A Gathering of Historians

Zelenogorsk hosted an international conference on the history of diverse societies, as well as on the history of nationalism. The conference, which was called ‘Ruptures and Continuities in Histories of Empire: Federalism, Regionalism, and Autonomies as Alternative Political Imaginaries of Post-Imperial Political Order’, was organized by the Department of History at HSE - St. Petersburg and drew leading experts in the field of ‘new imperial history’.

Illustration for news: Creative Spaces in the City

Creative Spaces in the City

HSE St Petersburg has hosted a seminar entitled “Creative spaces: dream or dream solution?”, with the participation of Melanie Post van Ophem, former chair of the Rotterdam Council for Arts and Culture, and Hans Karel Wesseling, Consul General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in St Petersburg.

Illustration for news: Centre for Youth Studies in Glasgow

Centre for Youth Studies in Glasgow

The Centre for Youth Studies’ long-term and productive cooperation with the University of Glasgow and the Centre for East European and Russian Studies is still underway. At an annual research forum the university hosted in Glasgow, six researchers from HSE’s Centre for Youth Studies presented papers at a separate panel devoted exclusively to the Centre’s work.

Sociology on the Internet

On 8th — 11th June the International Conference on Computational Social Science, organised by the University of Aalto took place in Helsinki, attended by many of the leading lights in this new area of academic research where the meeting between sociology and computer science has the potential to design better societies.

German Week 2015

During the XII Germany Week in St. Petersburg, the Gorky House of Scientists under the Russian Academy of Sciences hosted an international research conference ‘Russia and Germany – regional economies after sanctions,’ organized by the Hamburg Chamber of Commerce and HSE.