Creative Teams
On June 24-26, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University hosted the conference ‘Creative Industries and Sustainable Development: Bridging Theory and Practice’ in Vilnius, Lithuania. The main focus of the conference’s papers and discussions was the end of the year-long KAVA project ‘A Complex Research on the Impact of Environmental Factors on a Creator,’ in which more than 10 international universities, including HSE St. Petersburg, took part.

Creative Spaces in the City
HSE St Petersburg has hosted a seminar entitled “Creative spaces: dream or dream solution?”, with the participation of Melanie Post van Ophem, former chair of the Rotterdam Council for Arts and Culture, and Hans Karel Wesseling, Consul General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in St Petersburg.

Cultural Events in Economic Reflection
From July 7 – 13, 2014, the Laboratory of Economics of Culture at the HSE in St. Petersburg held an International Summer School ‘Impacts of Cultural Events on Small and Medium-size Art-oriented Towns’ (ICE – SMART). This was the first summer school organized as part of the master’s programme ‘Experience Economy: Hospitality and Tourism Management’.