Representatives of the Faculty of History, HSE-St.Petersburg presented papers at the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies convention
Associate professor of the faculty of history Tatiana Borisova and professor of the faculty of history Alexander Semyonov presented their current research at the annual convention of the Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies (ASEEES)
The third meeting of the year 2013 of Students’ scientific society of the Department of applied political science was held on the 13th of November.
The guest of the day was Mr. Dmitry Sukhov, the Head and founder of the NGO "Munitsipalnaya Pila" (Municipal saw), who is also the Head of the St. Petersburg office of the "Fund for struggle against corruption".
Russian and International Students discussed pros and cons of Russia’s accession to WTO
From 14 to 16 October St. Petersburg campus of Higher School of Economics hosted an International Student Forum "Visions of a Wider Europe", organized by the School of Applied Political Studies HSE - St. Petersburg, The Yeltsin Foundation and the International NGO "Dialog-Europe-Russia" (Austria).
School of Applied Political Science of HSE Campus in St.Petersburg hosts International Students' Forum "Visions of Wider Europe"
St.Petersburg Campus of Higher School of Economics is happy to host International Students' Forum "Visions of a Wider Europe" organized in cooperation with the Yeltsin Foundation and NGO "Dialog Europe Russia". The forum is dedicated to the 20th Anniversary of Russia - WTO negotiations about Russia's accession to the organization and upcoming accedence of our country to OECD. The Forum will take place on 14-16 October, 2013
From Archaeological Dig to the Lecture Room
In 2013 the HSE Saint Petersburg Campus organized archaeological field work for students over the summer in Staraya Ladoga, about 120 kilometers away from the city. Adrian Selin, HSE Professor of History, told us about his impressions of the expedition and his future plans for archaeological research.
HSE Sociologists in Europe
The conference ESA 2013 – Crisis, Critique and Change took place in Turin, in Italy at the end of August 2013. It was organized jointly by the ESA and the Turin University Department of Culture, Politics and Society. Three papers from the Laboratory for Sociology Education and Science at HSE Saint Petersburg Campus were presented at the conference.
Presentation of a new report 'Soviet Nationalism in the Historical and Comparative Perspective'
The Laboratory for Comparative Social Research at the HSE Saint Petersburg opened the 2013 Fall seminar series today. Andrey Shcherbak, senior research fellow at LCSR presented a report on 'Soviet Nationalism in the Historical and Comparative Perspective'. He gave a short description of the major findings of his report to the HSE news service.
Internet Interviewing Will Become the Dominant Survey Mode in the Social Sciences in the Next 10–20 years
The Third LCSR International Workshop is being held in Saint Petersburg from April 26–30, 2013. Marcel Das, Director of CentERdata since 2000, and Professor of Econometrics and Data Collection at Tilburg University, talked to the HSE News Portal beforehand about the topic he would present to the workshop; Innovation in Online Data Collection for Scientific Research.
Russia and Germany as WTO members
On April 22 2013, the Higher School of Economics hosted an international workshop conference entitled 'The Development Outlook for Russia and Germany as Members of the WTO'. Alexander Khodachek, the president of Saint-Petersburg HSE campus commented on the conference.