Tag "virtual tour"
Quest In Moscow For HSE Students And Workers
The quest is created by the HSE student organization “Privet from Moscow” («ПривѢтъ изъ Москвы») for whose who is interested in history, entrepreneurship, patronage and charity.
All Aboard! Yachting in HSE
What sounds more adventurous and fun than sailing on a yacht in Saint-Petersburg on a sunny summer day?
A Student Guide To Bergen
The culture, the history, the nature - Bergen has got it all.
HSE University – St Petersburg Launches Virtual Tour Experience
When choosing a study destination, trying to learn more about the university or just reminiscing on your student years, there is nothing better than visiting a campus in person. Still, sometimes it is just not possible. The good news is that we have created something very special to help you see the campus with your own eyes and feel the vibes of our university