Quest In Moscow For HSE Students And Workers

The quest is created by the HSE student organization “Privet from Moscow” («ПривѢтъ изъ Москвы») for whose who is interested in history, entrepreneurship, patronage and charity.

Quest In Moscow For HSE Students And Workers

If you are just a curious person this quest would be also quite interesting for you. This is a unique quest created in partnership with the Moscow Museum of Entrepreneurs, Patrons and Benefactors specifically for students and staff of the Higher School of Economics. Nowadays, the Museum of Entrepreneurs, Patrons and Benefactors is a non-governmental research, training and educational center for entrepreneurs, schoolchildren, students and the general public on the history of entrepreneurship, patronage and charity. The museum tells about the worldview, lifestyle, qualities, strategies of pre-revolutionary entrepreneurs, their huge contribution to the development of Russia.

The Museum was established in 1991 with the active participation of the descendants of entrepreneurs of pre-revolutionary Russia: the Morozovs, the Ryabushinskys, the Alexeyevs, the Gubonins, the Prokhorovs, the Guchkovs, the Rukavishnikovs, the Sytins, and the other founders of Russian capitalism. The main manager and curator of the Museum is Lev Nikolaevich Krasnopevtsev. The Museum is located in a building of the XIX century, which belonged to the famous Moscow entrepreneur and philanthropist Ivan Grigoryevich Prostyakov. The address is Moscow, Donskaya st., 9 (metro stations Oktyabrskaya or Shabolovskaya).

The first part of the quest took place from April 21 to 30 and here some facts about the last game:

  • A total number of 66 people registered for the quest, which is good news, because this is quite a large number!
  • As a result, 18 people participated. Constant rain and cold prevented many of us from completing the quest.
  • 6 people were the winners! They scored a large number of points and were able to win. Once again, congratulations to the guys! They received their well-deserved prizes.

Unfortunately, the weather wasn’t so good during the last game and if the bad weather or some unforeseen circumstances prevented you from the completing this quest, there is a good news that the second part of the game will be coming soon! It will be held from 7 to 14 July, just after the session and all the deadlines are over.

Finally, the long-awaited summer came. How long have we been waiting for this! This means that soon the end of the school year, and we will be able to walk freely all day without debts and deadlines. When there will be beautiful warm weather.

The group of managers of the event offer you an idea of how to spend an interesting time during one summer day.

During the passing the quest, you will be able:

  • to spend your time of a summer walk in the capital with a benefit by knowing something new;
  • to get a vivid impression of the passing the quest;
  • to learn a lot about the history of charity, entrepreneurship and patronage;
  • to invite your friends and passing the game together;
  • and, of course, to fight for the HSE merch!

What you need to know about the quest!

Quest dates — July 7-14

Where — Moscow, the information about the first point of the game will be announce later.

👥 You can complete the quest either alone or in a team of up to 3 people.

Therefore, welcome to the page of the quest on the history of charity "Privet from Moscow"!

More information you can find here: