
Sociologists at Yandex: Dina Vasina Talks on her Internship in Product Management
During her studies in the Sociology and Social Informatics programme, a fourth-year student Dina Vasina got interested in disciplines related to data analysis and mathematics. In November, Dina completed her internship at Yandex within the Yandex.Poisk project where she got a chance to try her hand at product management. In this interview, the student shared with us her thoughts on studying sociology, future career plans and impressions on the internship.

Quest In Moscow For HSE Students And Workers
The quest is created by the HSE student organization “Privet from Moscow” («ПривѢтъ изъ Москвы») for whose who is interested in history, entrepreneurship, patronage and charity.

Who Is An International Ambassador Of HSE?
Let us find out who international ambassadors are.

Look What We Found: A Blog All About Sharing
Marina, a co-founder of the “Look what we found” blog, shares an inspiring story behind its creation.