On Campus
‘Nurturing Global Citizens for a Global World’ International Partners Week Kicks Off at HSE SPb
On May 20-22, the HSE – St Petersburg welcomes representatives of its academic partners and specialised organisations in higher education. Participants of the International Partners Week 2019 will share their experiences with implementing strategic projects as part of the Global Citizens concept at their universities.
Feeling 'Home Sweet Home', Delicious Food and Lots of Fun
Celebrated twice a year, the Cultures Day is dedicated to the diversity of cultures and nationalities at HSE University – St Petersburg.
How to Apply for the Advanced State Academic Scholarship
All the students who have been awarded a state academic scholarship can apply for the Advanced State Academic Scholarship. Find out how.
New Student-Run Online Magazine Has Been Established at HSE University – St Petersburg
It derives from a simple but essential idea – to provide students who speak zero Russian with the opportunity to find out and share opinions and views about student life in St Petersburg.
"Higher School of Equality" Has Opened at HSE University – St. Petersburg
On February 9, HSE University – St. Petersburg opened its doors to students of the Higher School of Equality, an organization originally established on the Moscow campus. Ekaterina Guzieva, member of the Free Edition, who attended opening ceremony, explains what Higher School of Equality will do in St. Petersburg and why it should be attended by everyone who wants to engage in the scientific issues of gender equality and equity.
HSE Best Teachers Election Starts
From May 29 to June 18 students can vote for HSE’s best teachers of the academic year. This year there is no need to come to the university to vote. Students can submit their scores online via LMS.
HSE Success in Research Performance Rankings in 8 Subject Areas
HSE has been ranked one of the top 15 universities by research performance in 8 subject areas, compiled by the Expert Analytical Centre in 2016. HSE took the first place in three subjects: Economics, Social Sciences and Humanities.
University of Oslo Professors Deliver Series of Public Lectures on Norway
On February 16, 2017, students at HSE St. Petersburg were exposed to a variety of interesting topics on the social, economic, political and cultural life of Norway when professors from the University of Oslo gave a series of lectures intended to excite curiosity about the country. The lectures were held at the initiative of the Norwegian Embassy in Moscow in cooperation with the University of Oslo. Heidi Olufsen, the Consul General of Norway in St. Petersburg, invited students to continue discovering and attend a future lecture on Fridtjof Nansen, the famous Norwegian explorer, scientist and diplomat.
Meeting Your Peers and Making Great Buddies at HSE
Prior to coming to St Petersburg, international students may anticipate some difficulty settling into a drastically new culture and lifestyle, and completing the more mundane tasks, such as navigating the transport system. However, Buddy Club at HSE St Petersburg helps make the transition smoother. Roland Mortimer, exchange student from University College London, shares his experience.
Web Science Summer School 2016
From June 30 to July 6 the Web Science Summer School 2016 was held at the University of Koblenz (Germany). The event was dedicated to the Internet and social media studies. Alina Bakhitova, who is studying Sociology and Social Informatics, took part and shares her impressions of the event.