Tag "success builder"

English Trap: Easy-to-Confuse Words

English Trap: Easy-to-Confuse Words
Anna Bogun will help not to mix up English words that can be easily confused.

English-Speaking Debates? Debates For Money?

English-Speaking Debates? Debates For Money?
Evgeniy Akulov, the head of a debating club, talks about debates in general and about English-speaking debates specifically.

The Russian Language: Difficult But Worth Learning

The Russian Language: Difficult But Worth Learning
A quick interview to motivate you to keep learning Russian even if it feels like this language is just too much.

Research Methods

Research Methods
How to develop a successful research paper by Rostislav Miretskiy.

Internship In Sberbank Corporate University

Internship In Sberbank Corporate University
Ekaterina Borisova talks on her experince of internship at Sberbank.

What Is It Like To Be A Teacher's Assistant?

What Is It Like To Be A Teacher's Assistant?
Want to become an assistant, but still have some doubts. Valeria Lizunova will tell you everything you wanted to know.

The Importance Of Internship

The Importance Of Internship
Ekaterina Borisova and her understanding of an internship. 

Work And Travel: Is It Worth It?

Work And Travel: Is It Worth It?
Julia Morozova knows what the "American dream" tastes like. 

Python For Students Of Humanities

Python For Students Of Humanities
Elizaveta Butorina and Viktoria Volkova will say why Python is neccessary for humanities students.

What Stoicism Is And Why You Need It In Your Life

What Stoicism Is And Why You Need It In Your Life
Daria Smirnova reflects on why we should bring Stoic philosophy in our life.