Tag "success builder"

Stress And How To Cope With It

Stress And How To Cope With It
HSE students give advice on coping with stress.

Rules To Organize You Work

Rules To Organize You Work
Mastering time-management is an essential soft skill for everyone. Maria Grigorieva knows how to do it.

10 Rules Of Successful Students

10 Rules Of Successful Students
Sofia Lyakhova suggests the list of rules, which will allow students to achieve the best results in the educational process.

Test Period! How To Prepare For Exams Efficiently

Test Period! How To Prepare For Exams Efficiently
Iliya Kim shares tips on passing all the tests with flying colors.

Work While Studying

Work While Studying
Uliana Sukhova knows if it possible to combine work and study.

TOP-5 Must-Have Apps For HSE Students

TOP-5 Must-Have Apps For HSE Students
Nadezhda Bykova will tell about some essential apps for students.

To Sleep Or Not To Sleep?

To Sleep Or Not To Sleep?
Ekaterina Baranova shares some tips that can help you rich high quality of sleep.

Vice Versa Experience: Being An HSE Student Abroad

Vice Versa Experience: Being An HSE Student Abroad
Rostislav Miretskiy, a fourth-year student of Media Economics, shares his personal experience and gives advice about being an exchange student.

10 Must Have Items You Need To Survive At HSE

10 Must Have Items You Need To Survive At HSE
There are some things you will not be able to get by without as a student, no matter what stage you are at.

Emotional Burnout: What Is It And How To Fight

Emotional Burnout: What Is It And How To Fight
You feel depressed and devastated. All your dreams, desires and goals mean nothing to you. It is time to fight your emotional burnout. Valeriia Pivovarova will teach how to do it.