Tag "success builder"

Write Like Leo

Write Like Leo
Maryana Selezneva and her btips to help future authors or people who want to improve writing skills.

Self-Development And Lifelong Learning

Self-Development And Lifelong Learning
Georgy Yakovlev reflects on what these two notions mean.

Business Ideas For Students

Business Ideas For Students
Anna Makhorkina and her ideas how students can earn some money.

Canva.com – The Place Where Design Begins

Canva.com – The Place Where Design Begins
Elizaveta Alekseeva recommends a modern online tool for well-designed presentations.

TED Talks To Watch

TED Talks To Watch
Advice on what HSE students can watch to broaden their horizons and learn new practical tips.

How To Find A Job For After The University

How To Find A Job For After The University
Yulia Inyakina reflects on how you can get a job.

Writing An Interesting Resume: Basics

Writing An Interesting Resume: Basics
Anastasia Sosina shows how to write a resume.

How To Reduce Expences

How To Reduce Expences
Iliya Kim shares his views on how students can save money.

Negotiations As A Way Of Life

Negotiations As A Way Of Life
Anastasia Krinitskaya talks about herself, studying prosses, her extracurricular life at HSE, and more.

Top-5 YouTube Channels To Improve Russian Listening Skills

Top-5 YouTube Channels To Improve Russian Listening Skills
Daria Komarova and her choice of channels if you want to improve your Russian.