Tag "success builder"

Writing An Interesting Resume: Basics

Writing An Interesting Resume: Basics
Anastasia Sosina shows how to write a resume.

How To Reduce Expences

How To Reduce Expences
Iliya Kim shares his views on how students can save money.

Negotiations As A Way Of Life

Negotiations As A Way Of Life
Anastasia Krinitskaya talks about herself, studying prosses, her extracurricular life at HSE, and more.

Top-5 YouTube Channels To Improve Russian Listening Skills

Top-5 YouTube Channels To Improve Russian Listening Skills
Daria Komarova and her choice of channels if you want to improve your Russian.

Vse Ravno Lubov: More Than Just A Brand

Vse Ravno Lubov: More Than Just A Brand
An inspiring story of success that started with a dream to let people know that they are worthy of love and acceptance.

Relax And Stay Calm

Relax And Stay Calm
Effective relaxation methods for workaholics and perfectionists found by Maryana Selezneva.

‘Snack’ Writing To Help You Get Your Work Done

‘Snack’ Writing To Help You Get Your Work Done
Short writing sessions as an extremely helpful alternative to what you have been doing for all these years.

5 Reasons To Choose PR And Advertising

5 Reasons To Choose PR And Advertising
A short story why it is great to study advertising and PR in HSE.

English, Please: 5 Cinemas With Films In Original

English, Please: 5 Cinemas With Films In Original
Where to watch favorite films in the original language? Sofia Shatokhina knows.

What Minor At HSE Is

What Minor At HSE Is
A big 2020 manual on how to choose the right one by Anna Bogun.