English Trap: Easy-to-Confuse Words

Anna Bogun will help not to mix up English words that can be easily confused.

English Trap: Easy-to-Confuse Words

Very often, people who learn a foreign language forget about the traps - tricky words that are very similar to those ones in their native language. We will talk about the most frequently confused words so that you can improve your level of English.

1. Complexion. We are used to the fact that in Russian this word means "physique," everything that is connected with the physical characteristics of a person. In fact, complexion means everything related to your face - the natural color, texture, and appearance of a person's skin.

They say people who eat well have a better complexion.

2. Sympathy. This word has nothing to do with its Russian meaning. In Russian, sympathy is a feeling of emotional predisposition to someone when you have common views, values, and interests. In English, sympathy is compassion, empathy.

Sympathy for a family torn apart by tragedy.

3. Cabinet. In English, the word cabinet is never used to mean a private room for work or study. For this, such words as office, room, parlor can be used. The cabinet in English has two meanings: locker and ministry.

Wipe out your book locker.

The Cabinet of Ministers constitutes the government.

4. Conductor. Many Russian-speaking people are used to the fact that this word means a person who charges you a fare. In English, this conductor means the person who runs the orchestra. Also there is a verb to conduct.

Beethoven was not only a famous pianist, but also an excellent conductor, and he himself could conduct his works.

5. Compositor. Continuing the theme of music, let us talk about those who write music. We are used to the fact that in Russian this profession is indicated by the word compositor. Nevertheless, in fact, in English, it means a typesetter, and the creator and author of the music is called the word composer.

With the new compositors, he was able to improve his production.

Learn the language and make no mistakes.

Text by
Anna Bogun