Tag "success builder"

Career Forums: Your Gateway to Networking with Industry Leaders

Career Forums: Your Gateway to Networking with Industry Leaders
Career forums and fairs offer numerous benefits to participants. 

Yaovi Akpabli's Journey from Togo to Russia

Yaovi Akpabli's Journey from Togo to Russia
From viewing movies nonstop to getting a scholarship to study for my master's degree in Russia, my story exemplifies tenacity, fortitude, and the revolutionary power of technology.

From Prosecco to Nastoïki: The Adventures of two Italians in Russia

From Prosecco to Nastoïki: The Adventures of two Italians in Russia
Two Italian students about to finish their studies at HSE open up about their experience in Russia.

Sharing HSE International Community Is Incredible

Sharing HSE International Community Is Incredible
Flor Juan Pablo, student in Contemporary Jouralism from Bolivia shares his life and study at HSE.

Empowering International Student Voices

Empowering International Student Voices
An Interview with Muhammad Sarim Jalal, President of CISA at Higher School of Economics.

How to Pass the Russian Preparation Exam at HSE

How to Pass the Russian Preparation Exam at HSE
The Russian language preparatory exam is an extremely important exam for international students at HSE. Some of Huong Dang's experience will help you better understand this exam and pass it easily.

How to Read Book Effectively

How to Read Book Effectively
Perhaps reading is one of the most important skills for students, especially international students. Some advice on effective reading from Huong Dang.

Building Relationships Away from Home

Building Relationships Away from Home
On the path of life, we encounter strangers, opening the doors of our souls to connect and cultivate relationships. Personal reflections of Huong Dang.

Old Place, New Role

Old Place, New Role
Most recently, students of the 4th year of the educational program History at the St. Petersburg campus had a teaching practice.

HSE Proctor: Villain or Friend

HSE Proctor: Villain or Friend
Every student at Higher School of Economics will have to deal with proctoring, for instance, during an exam or Olympiad.