
HSE Ranked Top Russian University by Number of Subjects in Shanghai Ranking
HSE University is represented in more subjects (10—an increase from 8 last year) in the Shanghai Global Ranking of Academic Subjects than any other Russian university.

The New Academic Year at HSE University – St. Petersburg
The HSE St. Petersburg administration has issued an order ‘On the specifics of organizing the educational process with the participation of students and postgraduates of HSE University – St. Petersburg in the 2021–2022 academic year’. The order outlines measures to protect students from COVID-19 for the 2021/2022 academic year.
How To Enroll In The Dream University
Ekaterina Shevyakova shares her inspiring story about how she got accepted to three American universities at once.

Registration for HSE's Optional Courses of the Second Semester Open for Everyone
On December 17, registration for open optional courses will start on the HSE online education platform. All courses will be online and open to everyone, regardless of age and level of education.

International Research from Home: HSE – Saint Petersburg Launches New Short-Term Programme
Much has been said about online education over the last year. What used to be perceived as a challenge a few months ago has become a new comfort zone and does not impress anyone. Indeed, during the pandemic, we have proved that persistence, professionalism, and flexibility bring good results even when the world is turned upside-down. Having had a successful experience of hosting the St. Petersburg HSE Summer School online, the university introduces HSE – St. Petersburg International Research School, a new project encouraging students all over the world to explore different areas — from Russia’s role in international relations to social, cultural, gender aspects of Russia’s historical experience, and even to the burning issue of what global business is going to be like when the COVID-19 crisis is over.

HSE University among Top-5 Russian Universities on THE Reputation Ranking
International experts have recognised Harvard University as the best in the world in terms of reputation. Moscow State University was ranked 37th, while HSE University entered the Times Higher Education (THE) World Reputation Rankings 2020, within the 151-175 range, taking fifth position among Russian universities, showing a commendable result for such a young institution.
Students Can Do a Trial Run of Proctored Exams
Taking an optional trial test will help you better prepare for your online proctored exams

HSE - St. Petersburg Political Science Programmes Receive International Accreditation
Central Evaluation and Accreditation Agency (ZEvA) recognized undergraduate programme 'Political Science and World Politics' and master's programme 'Comparative Politics of Eurasia' as meeting international quality standards of education. Both programs are accredited for six years without additional conditions.

"Expand your Horizons" - first issue, first Christmas gift to our students
The first edition of the newsletter about internships, summer schools and grant opportunities
The updated requirements to pass the physical training course (HSE-Saint-Petersburg)
Talking about changes