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St.Petersburg School of Economics and Management

Tag "conferences & seminars"

'This Year's AMEC Is Both Challenge and Opportunity'

'This Year's AMEC Is Both Challenge and Opportunity'
Analytics for Management and Economics Conference has ended at HSE University — St. Petersburg. In 2020, the conference had a distributed online format. Four months, thirteen tracks, over 300 participants from 20 countries — we tell you what it was like.

Brown Bag SEMinar+October 6th, 2020 15:00 – 16:00 ZOOM

SEM Regular research seminar – Brown Bag SEMinar – is returning for a new season. We have had more than ten meetings during the previous season. The majority of these meetings were devoted to research paper presentations by SEM faculty and doctoral students. Many researchers have had to change their event/conference participation plans because of COVID this year. So we do want to provide you with an additional opportunity to discuss your research ideas and research papers during our seminar. You are very welcome to become a speaker for forthcoming meetings in November, December and January. Our first meeting will happen on October 6th.

Call for Papers AMEC 2018

Call for Papers AMEC 2018
The St. Petersburg School of Economics and Management, National Research University Higher School of Economics (HSE SEM) invites you to submit your research proposals and papers for its international scientific event «Analytics for Management and Economics Conference» due to be held in St. Petersburg on September 19-22, 2018 (AMEC 2018)

Russia and Switzerland Talk on Academic and Business Cooperation Perspectives

The Higher School of Economics in St Petersburg held a Russo-Swiss Seminar on Perspectives in Academic and Business Cooperation on November 29, 2017.

International Conference ‘Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication’

International Conference ‘Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication’
Valery Lukinskiy, Head of the Department of Logistics and Supply Chain Management took part in the international conference ‘Reliability and Statistics in Transportation and Communication’ (RelStat`15) that was held on October 21-22.

Professor Anton Baranov Spoke at North British Functional Analysis Seminar in Newcastle, Great Britain

Professor Anton Baranov Spoke at North British Functional Analysis Seminar in Newcastle, Great Britain
From October 9th – 10th, 2015, Anton Baranov, Professor at the Department of Applied Mathematics and Business Informatics, was a guest speaker at the North British Functional Analysis Seminar, which took place at Newcastle University in Great Britain. He shared his impressions of the event.

Valery Lukinskiy at HMS Conference

Valery Lukinskiy at HMS Conference
On September 21-23 the 17th International Conference on Harbour, Maritime & Multimodal Logistics Modelling and Simulation (HMS) was held in Italy. This year researchers from over 40 countries including Australia, Austria, Brazil, Britain, Germany, Italy, India, Spain, Canada, China, Norway, France, USA and Japan participated in the event.

Contemporary Development Trends in Logistics

On the 10th April 2015 the HSE laboratory for logistical research in St Petersburg and the Makarov University of Maritime and Inland Shipping held the XIV International Applied Research Conference on Contemporary Development Trends in Logistics.

Will Tourism Survive in a Changing World?

The international graduate student conference organized by the Master's Programme in Experience Economy, ‘Sustainable Tourism Development in the Changing World’ which took place from February 5-6 at HSE St. Petersburg, was a forum for the discussion of new approaches in researching the tourism and hospitality industries for young researchers from St. Petersburg, Moscow, Arkhangelsk, Petrozavodsk, and South Korea.