Call for Applications: International Joint Online Courses
HSE St Petersburg opens a Call for Applications for the development and delivery of Joint online courses with international partner universities. The successful candidates in 2022-2023 are eligible for a one-time funding in amount of 110 thousand rubles.
The Call for Applications is Open: Joint Online Courses
Deadline for Applications
Notification of the Applicants

Period of Applications
Applications are accepted: 01.02.2022 – 17.04.2022
Applications should be submitted to the e-mail with a copy to The requirements for the application and the package of required documents are listed below.

Eligibility Criteria
HSE St Petersburg academic staff who meets the following criteria:
- teaching courses for bachelor, master, and doctoral programmes;
- for whom HSE St.Petersburg is the primary place of employment.

Application Requirements
Application Package
Application Requirements

Evaluation Criteria and Process
The applications that meet the formal requirements are evaluated according to the following blocks:
Conceptual Criteria
Strategic Partnership

The Winners` Selection
The applications are evaluated by the Commission for Educational Affairs, the results are published not later than 05.05.2022.
The applicants who have scored the highest total points on the application become the winners of the Competition.

Financial Support
The financial support is provided within one academic year of the joint online course implemention, that was presented in the winner`s application. not later than the beginning of the joint online course;
Period of the Financial Support
Report on the Results of the Joint Online Course Implementation
Frequently Asked Questions
HSE St Petersburg International Partnership
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