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Academic Board


Angel Barajas

Phd, Professor, Head of Department

We are challenging to help the students to develop their skills in a world that is in continuous evolution


 Many people pursue an MBA that puts little emphasis on practical technical skills for managers of businesses.  The Master in Management and Analytics for Business provides students with those skills through its emphasis on research methods, statistical analysis and data mining techniques



Slavo Radosevic

PhD, Professor at University College London

The Master in Management and Analytics for Business is designed to provide the students with a solid foundation of knowledge to make them able to pursuit a professional career in a number of fields such as marketing, human resources management, international business, corporate finance, public policy, research, etc.


Elena A. Shakina

PhD, Assistant Professor at Department of Management, HSE University-Spb,
Laboratory Head of International Laboratory of Intangible-driven Economy

 The master programme aims to prepare professional or future academics that wish to look for solutions to problems using research, developing and implementing mathematical models, analysing big amount of data and applying the common knowledge in the areas of general management, marketing and human resources


Felix Javier Lopez Iturriaga

Leading Research Fellow in International Laboratory of Intangible-driven Economy, HSE University,
PhD, Professor at UV 

 We live in a changing world:  societies, institutions and firms are in permanent change. This constant evolution raises new challenges and opportunities worldwide, so the ability to analyze an overwhelming flow of information has become a key to success in business


Artem Alsufiev

Senior Lecturer