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Sustainable Finance in a Volatile World

July 29 – August 9


Language: English

60 Contact hours

The course is aimed at obtaining comprehensive knowledge in the field of corporate finance and sustainable development of the company.

Get up-to-date and demanded knowledge in the field of corporate finance and the strategic nature of business processes and become a financial leader!

Course Description

The course will analyse the best practices and directions for the formation of the company's financial strategy.

Why Choose This Course?

The course will cover current trends in corporate finance, risk management, and financial analysis. Training will be based on cases, which will make the course interesting and rich. The course includes interesting and contemporary case studies; analysis of modern practices. Active teaching methods, the use of software and case studies make the course practical, intensive and in demand in building a future career..


  1. Principles of corporate finance
  2. Financial Analysis: Advanced
  3. Company value management
  4. Mergers and acquisitions as an element of financial strategy
  5. Building an effective risk management strategy
  6. Fintech Business Strategies

Skills and Competence

PC-1 Able to analyse the financial condition of companies and financial institutions

PC-2 Able to justify the effectiveness of the investment policy of companies and financial institutions

PC-3 Able to make analytical justifications for managerial decisions

PС-4 Able to implement the financial policy of companies and financial institutions

PC-5 Able to work in an international team and successfully conduct intercultural communications

PС-6 Able to act in accordance with ethical principles in the field of finance

Teaching Methods

lectures/ case studies/group or individual projects/ practical training.


No specific prerequisites are assumed for the class.

Final Assessment 

Group / individual project work.

Final Grade Background

Attendance, involvement, task completion, active participation in discussions, completion of the final task.

Course is taught by

Krakovich Viktor Valerievich, Ph.D. in Economics

Makarova Vasilisa Aleksanedrovna, Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor

Churakova Iya Yurievna Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor

Nazarova Varvara Vadimovna, Ph.D. in Economics, Associate Professor

Recommended Reading List

Aswat Damodaran, “Investment Appraisal. Tools and methods for valuation of any assets”, Alpina Publisher, 2019.

Steven Breg, CFO Handbook, Alpina Publisher, 2015.

Tom Copeland, Tim Koller, Jack Murrin, The Value of Companies. Valuation and management”, Olymp-Business, 2008.

Peter Etrill, Eddie McLaney, "Financial Management and Management Accounting for Executives and Businessmen", Alpina Publisher, 2019.