
A Guide on How To Find A Dream Internship

A Guide on How To Find A Dream Internship
Top online resources to find an internship or a job by Anna Bogun.

Helping Homeless People At HSE

Helping Homeless People At HSE
Homeless story: how HSE students collected warm clothes for charity.

Marc Chagall Exhibition At The New Jerusalem Museum

Marc Chagall Exhibition At The New Jerusalem Museum
Olga Korotaeva suggests visiting the exhibition of paintings of Marc Chagall, a well known Russian-French artist, at the New Jerusalem Museum in Moscow region.

Studying In Moscow: An Interview

Studying In Moscow: An Interview
Anna Makhotkina spoke to Syeda Ulya Ehsen Kazmi, an international student.

A New Plague Is Coming

A New Plague Is Coming
A new disease is taking over the world. And its name is PLASTIC.

Speak Spanish or Portuguese? Join HSE Latin-American Club

Speak Spanish or Portuguese? Join HSE Latin-American Club
A club for students who are into Latin-American culture.

Ways To Talk And Not To Talk To A Professor

Ways To Talk And Not To Talk To A Professor
Valeriia Pivovarova shares her views on how to talk to a professor.


Alexandra Belyaeva knows how to stay motivated. 

Social Inclusion Team Of HSE ESN Moscow

Social Inclusion Team Of HSE ESN Moscow
If you are thinking about volunteering in a student organization in Moscow, then you should join Social Inclusion team.

Career Week in HSE St.Petersburg. Was It Worthy To Participate?

Career Week in HSE St.Petersburg. Was It Worthy To Participate?
What events took place during Career week in HSE SPB campus?