
Online Courses: An Alternative To Higher Education?

Online Courses: An Alternative To Higher Education?
What HSE students and teachers think about MOOCs?

10 Rules Of Successful Students

10 Rules Of Successful Students
Sofia Lyakhova suggests the list of rules, which will allow students to achieve the best results in the educational process.

HSE Football Leagues

HSE Football Leagues
George Kolysh talks about football at HSE.

To Be Different or Like Everyone Else?

To Be Different or Like Everyone Else?
Does today's educational system kill creativity?

K-Dance Is A Combination Of Sport And Entertainment

K-Dance Is A Combination Of Sport And Entertainment
Why dancing is useful? The example of the student organization K-Dance.

Time Management: Improving Your Efficiency At The University

Time Management: Improving Your Efficiency At The University
Time management is the art of time control and therefore an essential skill for students and those who would like to improve their efficiency.

Studying In Mansions: Exploring The Cultural Heritage Of HSE Buildings

Studying In Mansions: Exploring The Cultural Heritage Of HSE Buildings
Join Eduard Oksem on a tour to learn about Moscow HSE buildings.

Why Did Students Lose the VOICE?

Why Did Students Lose the VOICE?
Interview with Kirill Sokolov about the fundamental idea of the project, its first steps and the end.

Overview Of Food Places Near The Buildings On Myasnitskaya

Overview Of Food Places Near The Buildings On Myasnitskaya
Semen Efremov with the list of places with good food on Myasnitskaya Street.

Test Period! How To Prepare For Exams Efficiently

Test Period! How To Prepare For Exams Efficiently
Iliya Kim shares tips on passing all the tests with flying colors.