
Why Is Russian Music So Melancholic?

Why Is Russian Music So Melancholic?
Sergey Nesterov reflects on why Russian music is so unique and what makes it so melancholic.

A Specialist, Plant, Shaper… What’s Your Team Role?

A Specialist, Plant, Shaper… What’s Your Team Role?
Nadezhda Bykova talks about Belbin Team Inventory and its application to group projects.

All About Studlife

All About Studlife
Serafima Gerasimchuk will tell you everything you want to know about HSE Studlife organization.

Nobody Is Alone

Nobody Is Alone
Maryana Selezneva knows how not to feel lonely.

Nordic Trust Project

Nordic Trust Project
Why is «trust» also called «gold» in the Nordic countries? Let us find the answer to this question.

Initiatives Are Great

Initiatives Are Great
How not to be afraid to take initiatives.

Studying In The Kingdom of A Thousand Islands

Studying In The Kingdom of A Thousand Islands
Anna, a Moscow campus student, talks about her studies and visiting Sweden.

XCE Factor Insights: Interview With Vera Ushkarova

XCE Factor Insights: Interview With Vera Ushkarova
Vera Ushkarova talks about her journey at XCE Factor project.

Exchange To Master’s: My Story At HSE

Exchange To Master’s: My Story At HSE
Mustafa Serdar Karakaya invites you to learn about his academic journey and his study at HSE St. Petersburg.

«We are Together» Is More Than A Sentence

«We are Together» Is More Than A Sentence
We are Together are not just words. This is an action to help those in need.