Tag "Moscow"

Marc Chagall Exhibition At The New Jerusalem Museum

Marc Chagall Exhibition At The New Jerusalem Museum
Olga Korotaeva suggests visiting the exhibition of paintings of Marc Chagall, a well known Russian-French artist, at the New Jerusalem Museum in Moscow region.

21/4 Staraya Basmannya In A Nutshell

21/4 Staraya Basmannya In A Nutshell
The A, B, C of one of the most incredible places on Staraya Basmannya street.

Places To Escape The University Routine

Places To Escape The University Routine
Kseniia Komoza suggests a selection of unknown places to escape depressing deadlines.

Best Places To Drink Coffee And Work In Moscow

Best Places To Drink Coffee And Work In Moscow
Daria Bondareva found the best places where students can work in a relaxed atmosphere, write an essay and drink delicious coffee.

Studying In Mansions: Exploring The Cultural Heritage Of HSE Buildings

Studying In Mansions: Exploring The Cultural Heritage Of HSE Buildings
Join Eduard Oksem on a tour to learn about Moscow HSE buildings.

Keeping Fit While Studying - HSE Has A Solution

How can you keep yourself in shape if keeping up with the deadlines is not enough? Ask Zhanna Dyakonova.

HSE Trip In Old Moscow: Ordynka District - Time To Experience

HSE Trip In Old Moscow: Ordynka District - Time To Experience
Every place is enjoyable in its way. A refreshing view on HSE presence at Malaya and Bol'shaya Ordynka with Vardui Minasian.

Best Apps for Active Life in Moscow

Best Apps for Active Life in Moscow
There are dozens of mobile apps that can make life much easier for inhabitants and foreigners in Moscow. Today, we’ll tell you about some of them.

Bolshoi Theater At Affordable Price

Bolshoi Theater At Affordable Price
Olga Korotaeva shares some tips on how to visit Bolshoi Theater having a small amount of money.

Best Vegan/Vegetarian Places In Moscow

Best Vegan/Vegetarian Places In Moscow
Daria Smirnova with the list of best vegan/vegetarian – friendly places in Moscow.