Marc Chagall Exhibition At The New Jerusalem Museum
The exhibition «Chagall: Between Heaven and Earth» opened at the New Jerusalem Museum on November 16, 2019.
239 works by Marc Chagall are presented under the same roof. The curator of the project is Ekaterina Selezneva, the expert in the committee of Marc Chagall in Paris and Merited Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation.
Which paintings will be exhibited?
There are paintings provided by the Georges Pompidou National Centre for Art and Culture in Paris, the Marc Chagall Museum in Vitebsk, the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts in Moscow, the Museum of the Jewish History in Russia (Moscow), the National Museum of Marc Chagall in Nice, the New Jerusalem Museum in Istra and private collections.
What is the plan of the exhibition?
The exhibition consists of three multidimensional spaces: «Earthly Life» (painting and graphics of the first quarter of the 20th century); «Travels and bridges» (works of the second quarter of the 20th century, connected with a trip to the Holy Land) and «Genesis of heaven» (works of the second half of the 20th century).
How to get to the Museum by public transport?
Address: Moscow Region, Istra, New Jerusalem Embankment, 1
By electric train
Take an electric train coming in Riga direction to the station «Istra». Then change to bus routes №32, №33 – your bus stop destination is «Hothouse» or to bus routes №4, №40, №46, №48 – to the stop «Museum».
By bus
Take a bus №372 coming from «Tushinskaya» metro station to stop «Istra». Then change to bus routes №32, №33 – your bus stop destination is «Hothouse» or to bus routes №4, №40, №46, №48 – to the stop «Museum».
Text by
Olga Korotaeva
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