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Illustration for news: New reports of the CYS researchers at the European Sociological Association conference

New reports of the CYS researchers at the European Sociological Association conference

Elena Omelchenko, Guzel Sabirova and Nadezhda Vasilyeva took part in the 13th annual conference of the European Sociological Association "(Un)making of Europe: capitalism, solidarities, subjectivities"

Illustration for news: Elena Onegina about her graduate study admission, unique atmosphere in the laboratory and field research experience

Elena Onegina about her graduate study admission, unique atmosphere in the laboratory and field research experience

Good news from graduates of the master's program "Modern social analysis". Elena Onegina was enrolled in graduate studies in the field of "Social structure, social institutes and processes" at the Moscow campus of HSE.

PhD in sociology in Prague

HSE Prom is over, but we already have glad tidings from our alumni! Master of the "Modern social analysis" program Olga Senkova received a full scholarship to study at Charles University. Olga narrates us about her professional career, sociology master at HSE, and about the thorny path for PhD application.

Illustration for news: "The right to gender"

"The right to gender"

Elena Onegina performed in the CIS

Illustration for news: "What the thing is the youth?"

"What the thing is the youth?"

Discussion in the "Grazhdanin politolog" was began with such question

Illustration for news: CYS gifted CISR by excellent performances

CYS gifted CISR by excellent performances

May 24-26, the Centre of Independent Social Researches celebrated its 25th anniversary by the international conference "Beyond..."

Illustration for news: Factory of meanings "Female face of Russian activism"

Factory of meanings "Female face of Russian activism"

28 April 2017 in the HSE (St. Petersburg) held an annual "Factory of meanings ", dedicated this year to the women activism in Russia.

Illustration for news: Elena Onegina took part in the international conference

Elena Onegina took part in the international conference

The conference "Girlhood in an era of change: Gender equality as a cultural norm and social practice" was held on April 7

Illustration for news: The CYS researcher presented new results on Promise projects in Tomsk

The CYS researcher presented new results on Promise projects in Tomsk

на этот раз в Томске

Illustration for news: Researchers of the CYS presented their reports at the April conference

Researchers of the CYS presented their reports at the April conference

Olga Senkova, Alena Kravtsova, Iskander Jasaveev, Anastasia Shilova, Nadezhda Nartova participated in the XVIII April conference, which was held at the Moscow campus of HSE 11 - April 14