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About us

Center for Youth Studies was founded in 2009 through a partnership between NRU HSE in St. Petersburg and the “Region” Research Center of Ulianovsk State University within the NRU HSE development program.

CYS is a research center aimed at large scale international projects concerning youth. It represents a fundamentally new academic space, where experienced researchers as well as students from different universities and different countries are invited for creative collaboration.

Our main goal is to develop a school for youth research that is incorporated into the structure of international social science.

CYS’s research activity

- we initiate and conduct fundamental as well as applied sociological and interdisciplinary research on relevant issues concerning youth practices, spaces, and lifestyles in Russia, Western Europe and Asia;

- we develop practical recommendations for correcting social and youth policy projects in the Russian Federation and other countries and the analytical and information support of corresponding municipal and state structures;

- we develop the comparative component of social research on youth from a national perspective, respecting pre-existing theoretical and methodological theories and practices

CYS’s scientific and methodological basis development

- we regularly conduct seminars on topics in youth research as well as other vital scientific and practical issues;

- we are creating a scientific information database on topics concerning youth;

- we are developing methodical recommendations on theory, methodology, and practice in youth research;

- we promote innovative research methods, i.e. comprehensive (combining qualitative and quantitative research), visual, virtual, dialogical, reflexive, etc.

Student work in CYS

We invite students from the National Research University High School of Economics in St. Petersburg to organize and conduct research.


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