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Educational Migration of Students from Small Towns and Villages to Megacities. Social Inclusion as a Way to Increase Sustainability: Barriers, Strategies, Successful Practices

Project Head

Director, Centre for Youth Studies – Elena L. Omelchenko


Phone: (812) 560-01-78
Email: youth.hse.spb@gmail.com

The project is implemented within the Mirror Labs programme together with the Laboratory of Sociological Research of the KFU and is aimed at studying the social inclusion of young people in the context of educational migration in St Petersburg and Kazan.

The Mirror Laboratories have been extended for three years!

The HSE Center for Youth Studies and the KFU Laboratory of Sociological Research will continue to work together on the project "Educational migration of students from small towns and villages to megacities. Social inclusion as a way to increase sustainability: barriers, strategies, successful practices".

2023 Mirror Labs results

The third and final year of the project "Scenarios for the social inclusion of regional youth in the context of educational migration" has ended. On December 18, the Mirror Laboratories team held a final meeting and summed up the results of research and scientific work for 2023.

Loneliness in the Big City: Resource or Biographical Drama?

Moving to a new city often leads to temporary loneliness and a loss of familiar surroundings. This means that young people who move to a new place must find ways to adapt quickly. Can loneliness become a resourceful state, or does it suppress resourcefulness? Sociologists from HSE University-St Petersburg and Kazan Federal University (KFU) discussed this issue during the seminar 'SOC Up', which was based on research conducted as part of the Mirror Laboratory initiative.

«Migration paths of student youth: how to (not) be alone?»: presentation of the results of the Mirror Laboratories project at the SOC UP seminar

Irina Lisovskaya and Albina Garifzyanova spoke about the results of the analysis of 62 interviews with students taken as part of the project «Scenarios for the social inclusion of regional youth in the context of educational migration».

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