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Research projects


In the Gulag's Shadow: Producing, Consuming and Perceiving Prisons in the Former Soviet Union

DARE – Dialogue About Radicalisation and Equality (H2020)

Creative Fields of Interethnic Interaction and Youth Cultural Scenes of Russian Cities

Youth entrepreneurship: betweensubcultural DIY-practices and new forms of citizenship


DARE – Dialogue About Radicalisation and Equality (H2020)

Creative Fields of Interethnic Interaction and Youth Cultural Scenes of Russian Cities

In the Gulag's Shadow: Producing, Consuming and Perceiving Prisons in the Former Soviet Union 

PROMISE: Youth involvement and social engagement


DIGITAL YOUTH IN THE MEDIA CITY: Urban Ethnography in the Streets and Stations of Helsinkiand St Petersburg 

Creative Fields of Interethnic Interaction and Youth Cultural Scenes of Russian Cities

PROMISE: Youth involvement and social engagement 

DARE – Dialogue About Radicalisation and Equality (H2020)



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