Jana Krupets visited Novosibirsk with the presentation based on CYS study "Labor and Consumption"
September 18-20, 2014. At all-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Sociology and sociological education in the context of social changes: the experience of Novosibirsk" was held. It dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Department of Sociology at Faculty of Economics at the Novosibirsk State University.
Jana Krupets visited Novosibirsk with the presentation based on CYS study "Labor and Consumption"
September 18-20, 2014. At all-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Sociology and sociological education in the context of social changes: the experience of Novosibirsk" was held. It dedicated to the 25th anniversary of the Department of Sociology at Faculty of Economics at the Novosibirsk State University.
Working class young women: paths and barriers of social mobility
«Молодые женщины рабочего класса, занятость в сфере услуг и социальная мобильность в современной России» — под таким название прошел третий методологический семинар СоцUp в Центре молодежных исследований НИУ ВШЭ. С докладом на семинаре выступил Чарли Уолкер, преподаватель социологии в Саутгемптонском университете (University of Southampton) и научный сотрудник Centre for East European Language-based Area Studies.
Our collegue Raisa Akifeva participated in two international conferences on issues of migration
Raisa Akifeva (Centre for Youth Studies), an expert on migration and integration of migrant children in educational and extracurricular space in modern Russia, visited two international conferences recently:
First Raisa visited 17th Nordic Migration Conference in Copenhagen, where she presented a report: Transnationalism and family migration: the role of children in parental integration
and then went to Madrid on 11th annual conference IMISCOE «Immigration, social cohesion and social innovation" to talk about “After-school activities of migrant children: relations to education opportunities and outcomes”
Our collegue Raisa Akifeva participated in two international conferences on issues of migration
Raisa Akifeva (Centre for Youth Studies), an expert on migration and integration of migrant children in educational and extracurricular space in modern Russia, visited two international conferences recently:
First Raisa visited 17th Nordic Migration Conference in Copenhagen, where she presented a report: Transnationalism and family migration: the role of children in parental integration
and then went to Madrid on 11th annual conference IMISCOE «Immigration, social cohesion and social innovation" to talk about “After-school activities of migrant children: relations to education opportunities and outcomes”
Dmitry Omelchenko, a staff member of Center for Youth Studies, visited the Summer School on Documentary Film in Pozega (Serbia).
Second half of August in the academic community is usually decided to be spend on self-education, such opportunity was taken by the lecturer of the "Sociology" Department to improve the level of his competence in the production of documentaries.

Dmitry Omelchenko, a staff member of Center for Youth Studies, visited the Summer School on Documentary Film in Pozega (Serbia).
Second half of August in the academic community is usually decided to be spend on self-education, such opportunity was taken by the lecturer of the "Sociology" Department to improve the level of his competence in the production of documentaries.