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Political Science Students Hold Research Conference 'May Forum'

On May 16-17, HSE University-St Petersburg hosted the first student research conference on Political Science and related disciplines 'May Forum'. It gathered more than 50 young researchers from five Russian regions. The students organised the events with the financial support of the HSE Centre for Student Academic Development.

Political Science Students Hold Research Conference 'May Forum'

Photo courtesy of the Bachelor's programme 'Political Science and World Politics'

The conference 'May Forum' was the first large-scale research event for the Student Research Society of the Department of Political Science and International Affairs. The students had a chance to hold the conference thanks to winning the Funding Competition for HSE Events Involving Student Research, Popular Science and Education. Thanks to it, they received financial support from the HSE Centre for Student Academic Development.

The opening ceremony features speeches by Alexander Sorokin, Dean of the School of Social Sciences, Aleksei Sorbale, Academic Supervisor of the Bachelor's programme 'Political Science and World Politics', and Yury Kabanov, Senior Lecturer at the Department of Political Science and International Affairs. They highlighted the importance of the event for the development of science in the faculty and underscored the significance of dialogue between researchers from different universities. The speakers expressed their hope that the 'May Forum' would become an annual platform for the communication of young researchers.

The first plenary session featured two reports. Andrey Scherbak, Head of the Department of Political Science and International Affairs, shared the results of the project devoted to the peculiarities of a conservative discourse in the environmental agenda. Besides, the session included a speech by Oleg Kharkhordin, Director of the Research Centre 'Res Publica ' at European University in St Petersburg. He told the participants about the history of the term 'society'.

On the second day of the conference, there was a plenary report presented by Andrey Starodubtsev, Academic Supervisor of the Master's programme 'Comparative Politics of Eurasia'. He talked about the recent research covering the role of international organisations in reforms in the post-Soviet space.

The conference gathered more than 50 students from St Petersburg, Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk and Perm. In the framework of themed sessions, the participants not only presented the results of their research but also received useful feedback from colleagues and session moderators—professors of HSE University-St Petersburg.

Artyom Pakhomov, 2nd-year student of the Bachelor's programme 'Political Science and World Politics'

'May Forum' has become the first research event where I presented my report. It seems to me that my first experience was quite successful! I will remember this conference because of the diversity of topics in the first place. It gave me a clear understanding of how different Political Science can be: it is not only about institutions and political regimes but also about numerous topics, spheres and practices which should and must be researched. Besides, the conference helped me to find my path and identify the borders within which I would be interested to work. It also gave me a ground for development: after 'May Forum', I will perfect my works and try my hand at new research platforms.

Not only moderators could choose their favourite report but also reviewers and attendees. The best reports were recommended for publishing in the youth collection of the School of Social Sciences and awarded diplomas and gifts from the event partners.

The conference participants were happy with the lively discussions and the event organisation. 'The main indicator of the success of any event is the participants' feedback. After the closing ceremony, a lot of students from other Russian universities contacted us and offered to cooperate. Our goal is to implement the organisational experience we gained and establish the tradition of holding 'May Forum' as an indicator of the successful work of initiative students and professors', says Vladislav Ovcharenko, Chairman of the Conference Organising Committee, 2nd-year student of the Bachelor's programme 'Political Science and World Politics'.

Ruslan Seitov, Conference participant from the Novosibirsk State University

The conference 'May Forum' turned out to be very lively and youthful. I was especially pleased with the students' self-organisation: it is obvious that they are passionate about their work and science. As a historian and expert in Asian and African studies who engages in the history of politics, I was interested in learning which methods my colleagues-political scientists use and which tendencies there are in science now.

Participation in the conference turned out to be useful for me as a researcher, a PhD student and a professor. I tested my research, got valuable feedback, talked to colleagues and found a co-author for my articles. Besides, I got acquainted with the work of the Student Research Society, and I am going to use the know-how with my students. I hope that the colleagues from HSE University-St Petersburg will help with their advice, and soon, we will be able to invite them to a similar conference at the Novosibirsk State University.

The HSE Centre for Student Academic Development supports and develops the research activities of the students. For instance, they hold the Funding Competition for HSE Events Involving Student Research, Popular Science and Education. The winners can get financial and other support in holding themed conferences, workshops, seminars, lectures and other research events. Learn more about the competition and apply on the website.