Tag "alumni"

'Today Was a Very Happy and Nostalgic Day': How the Main Celebration of HSE University-St Petersburg Graduates Went
On June 30, HSE University-St Petersburg gathered almost 5000 guests at KSK 'Arena' for the main event of this summer—graduation 2024. Bachelor's and master's students were congratulated by their friends and family, professors and faculty deans as well as HSE University-St Petersburg trustees. The diplomas of HSE University-St Petersburg were awarded to more than 1400 people, and 280 of them received the diplomas with honours. Find out what we will remember this festive day for in the article.

'I Enjoy the Challenges of My New Project. Such Difficulties Help You to Grow'
Nikita Barsukov graduated from the Bachelor's programme 'Political Science' in 2019 and the Master's programme 'Big Data Analytics for Business, Economics and Society' in 2021. During the senior years of his Bachelor's, a minor course helped Nikita to find his calling in software development. He is currently building his career in this field. In his interview, Nikita talks about his student years, finding a job of his liking, and the corporate culture of Tinkoff.

'You Should Not Pretend, But Be a Good Specialist'
Anatolie Cecalenco was born in the Republic of Moldova and entered the Bachelor's programme 'Political Science' at HSE University. Then, he continued his education on the Master's programme 'Business and Politics in Modern Asia' at HSE University-St Petersburg. Currently, Anatolie is a PhD student and a lecturer at the campus. He also works as an ESG specialist for the company Business Solutions and Technology (which formerly operated in Russia as Deloitte). We talked to the PhD student about his studies and work.